How To Protect Your People, Culture, & Way Of Life From Being Destroyed Part 1

We live in a world that preaches its love of things like “diversity” yet at the same time does its best to snuff diversity out and destroy it completely. What do I mean? Well the fact of the matter is that diversity is being destroyed diversity of thought, diversity of cultures, diversity of peoples, diversity of nations, and diversity of ways of living. All of these things are being hunted down, destroyed and shoved under the monoculture or the modern world.

Where dissent from the mainstream if a sin and must be punished by anything ranging from imprisonment to death. It’s a bit ironic that the people who preach about diversity the most are also the people who are working the hardest to destroy it. I think it’s becoming quite clear in our modern world that there’s movement going on. An effort to consolidate power, wealth, and resources under a smaller and smaller group.

This isn’t really a conspiracy, it’s more human nature. And with modern technology what used to effect only certain cities then provinces then nations then continents and now affecting the world as a whole. And one thrust right now is to get everyone under the capitalist-communist “new world order” or whatever you want to call it. That term has some bad press but I think it’s accurate.

Different People Like Different Things

And thrive under different circumstances. Not everybody is going to like the same thing and the same way of living. One person’s heaven is another person’s hell. Maybe you’ve found your heaven and you’re afraid that your heaven is going to be taken away from you, subverted, corrupted, or destroyed and you think that there’s nothing you can do about it. But that’s not true.

While no one can fight giant governments, banks, corporations, and the like the good news is you don’t have. The world is a big place and it’s impossible to completely control every sector of it, no matter how bad those in charge want to. You don’t fight the great Babylon like the Bible says you “come out of it”. But what does that mean and what does that entail? And how is it useful to you?

Well so here’s what you can’t do. First off you can’t fight Babylon, or the new world order, the capitalist-communist order, the modern world, or whatever you want to call it, we’ll refer to it as Babylon from here on out for simplicity. You can’t take it down, that’s just a fact. And the most foolish thing you could do right now is take arms against it. That’s begging for destruction. No things like that collapse from the inside because of their own foolishness.

So what can you do?

The First Thing You Should Do

The first thing is to try to get as far away from Babylon and its influences as possible. You can never completely separate out and its impossible but the further away the better. Some countries are going to better than others, some provinces/states within that country better or worse, and then some cities/towns within that province/state going to be better or worse. Generally, if you can, avoid places like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France. However there are still good places within all of those countries.

So Non-Western countries over Western countries. For provinces/states look for those that are more rural, same applies for town and cities. So for example in the United States a place like Montana or Kansas would be better then Florida or California. And you especially want to avoid the cities that are centers for all of this New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Miami, LA, and so on and so forth.

But beyond moving what else is there? We’ve already talked about moving a bunch of times. Though it is the single best thing you can do because you’re not going to be able to change an entire culture around you that’s already completely against you. So anyways let’s say you’re in a place that you enjoy and that you love, what can you do?

What Else You Can Do

The first thing to keep in mind is don’t bring down the wrath of Babylon upon you. Don’t go looking for a fight because guess what? You’re going to lose. Babylon is still the strongest force in the world and will be for a little while longer, if not a long time. You’re not looking to become an enemy of Babylon you’re looking to simply extricate yourself from it, Big difference there. You looking to be neutral and out of the way, even if your way of life runs completely counter to Babylon.

An example of this is religious organizations like the Amish though more and more they come under “investigation” simply because they’re outside the mainstream and not under control. However they’ve been able to last as long as they have because they’re not militant about standing against Babylon they’re just doing their own thing. More and more as things tighten down this might be less and less of a viable option though.

The big point is don’t be like “I’m going to go in the woods with my guns and screw the government they’ll never get me.” they will, they always will if they want too. You’re looking to live apart, not fight a war, a war that you’ll lose. So make you way of living as benign as possible. Put it in good terms and maybe there’s a sliver of Babylon that you have a commonality with, maybe build it around that.

Put another way when the serpent of Babylon raises its ugly head you don’t want to look like a mouse giving it the middle finger, you want to look like a tasteless rock just existing in the woods.

More To Come…

I kind of realized about three quarters of the way through the article that I wasn’t going to be able to cover it all with one. There’s a lot to unpack here and a lot that I want to cover. I think this is a good very basic introduction. To sum it up essentially understand that Babylon can’t control evert square inch of the world, it’s just too big. So they have to compromise they have their centers of control and high target enemies they’ll eliminate the rest gets mostly ignored. So because of this there are two things you want to do.

First off move away from the control centers as much as you can, with TV, radio, music, movies, and the like it’s impossible to escape its influence completely but you can minimize it. Moving is going to be your best option in some cases. But with moving out of the way next understand that if your way of life is seen as threat to Babylon or as going directly against it then you’re going to run into trouble. Be the rock not the mouse in other words.

Stay tuned for more.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge