Want To Save Your Culture? Then Do This. (Saving Your Culture In 4 “Simple” Steps)

It’s interesting where certain ideas come from. For example how to save a culture from an MMA podcast. Lately I’ve been listening to Firas Zahabi’s Tristar Gym podcast and like with most podcasts I usually start from the first episode and go from there to see how I like it. Anyways Firas runs the Tristar Gym somewhere in Canada and trained Georges St. Pierre who was one of (if not the) best of all time in MMA. He is also a Muslim.

One listener asked a question to Firas about “punish a Muslim day” which was (is?) sometime in April of that year. Anyways Firas was talking about how stupid it is and though I don’t agree with all of his reasons for listing it was stupid (for example I don’t think all cultures of the world will mix into harmony one day, seems too rosy for reality) he did bring up some very good points about culture and how cultures thrive and survive.

Firas coming from a Muslim culture is coming from a culture that is healthy and thriving (from a statistical standpoint at the very least). And one thing Firas talked about was how cultures survive and if you are an individual who cares about their particular culture and wants to see it survive and thrive then there are certain things one must do (he also talked about birthrate which was interesting).

And that is if you want your culture to survive (and maybe one day thrive) then marry a girl from your culture and have lots of kids with her and essentially if you’re not doing that then shut up about the destruction of your culture. Which I agree with 100%. I would add some things to that which is the purpose of this essay here. So if you want to save your culture and that’s something that matters to you then read on.

How To Save Your Culture Step #1 – Getting The Foundation Right

It’s a cheesy and cliche saying usually used by those who don’t have much substance but “be the change that you want to see in the world” is a powerful saying that offers guidance for saving one’s culture and getting things right. Whenever we want anything good in this life, it’s important to understand that it has to be worked for. And the first step to building or saving anything good is to focus on oneself and getting things right yourself first.

As a wise man once said take the plank out of your own eye before worrying about the speck in your brothers. You have to take care of yourself and get your shit together and in order before you can hope to lead and guide others. And before you can hope to be of any use to your culture. Think what can you do for your culture before asking what your culture can do for you. You must have (meaning build) value yourself.

So many miss this mark. They complain about this and that in the world all while avoiding working on the one thing that they actually have control over, which is themselves. You have to build value yourself before you can have any value to give. Sort of like building a business or becoming a teacher/master at something. You have to walk the path and build the value before others will give a damn. This is step number one for having a healthy culture.

Handle yourself.

How To Save Your Culture Step #2 – The Right Fit

Next you have to deal with finding a partner who is worth being a partner and in this day and age is no easy task. And in my opinion this part is pretty much impossible or at the very least not worth addressing if you haven’t covered the first part. If you haven’t handled yourself and your own self-development. At the very least it’ll be extremely hard to do without focusing on that first step first (hence why it’s step #1).

But with that being said you have to understand you can’t just wife up the first pleasant looking girl you find and expect to have a happy and healthy marriage and set up a good foundation. Some women have the potential to be good wives and good mothers and other women do not have the potential (or ruined the potential they once had) to be good wives and mothers. This statement will infuriate many but it’s a fact. And as a guy looking to do this right it’s a fact that you have to be aware of.

I’ve written an entire book on this subject as well as written quite a few posts on it as well, I also reviewed at least one book on the subject that is worth a read. Make sure you have this down before marrying a woman. Understand what makes for a good wife and mother and what does not. She doesn’t have to be perfect (no one is) but the closer you can get to the factors that make up a good wife and mother the better off you’ll be overall.

How To Save Your Culture Step #3 – The Environment

Couple of other things to look at here. Let’s assume that you have taken care of yourself (something that never truly ends but that you’ve gotten a handle on at least) and found a girl who’d make a good wife/mother or married a girl who’d make a good wife/mother. Now there are some other factors to look at. For example career and location. Understand that there are some work/life functions that serve for healthy happy families and some that do not.

Also understand that geography has a huge roll in culture and starting and raising a family in City/State A may be completely different for them than starting and raising a family in City/State B. Some are conducive to healthy happy families and some will fight against them tooth and nail. Understand this. Also think about how much time you want to spend out of the house and what options you have to maximize time with family (this is for both you and your wife).

Some jobs again are conducive to raising a healthy and happy family and some jobs are absolute poison to it. Same for your wife. Plenty of stuff on this site for jobs that maximize money/time/freedom so worth checking out. As for the relation between geography and culture that’ll depend on your the country that you live in. Generally more rural areas will be better than major cities, but again that’s generally obviously a lot more here.

How To Save Your Culture Step #4 – Family Matters

Now we actually get to the having kids and raising them right part. Which is much easier said than done. Understand that the world is hostile to a healthy and happy family. Probably more hostile to this than anything and everything else. Obvious I can’t cover parenting in three paragraphs (or really any length of space, even if I was an “expert” on the subject) but there are some general guidelines I can lay out here that are “common” sense and will help you.

First I’d recommend having a big family over a small one, for many different reasons. Second understand that simply telling your kids what’s good and bad doesn’t do that much good. First and foremost you should live as an example and second helping them to understand the “why” behind things (which you should know yourself). Don’t just say “Because I said so.” but make sure they understand the why behind your values and way of life.

It’s only by understanding the why will they maybe (each person is their own person after all) stick with those values later in life. Discipline and love them. And a whole bunch more that I can’t get into here. But if you truly want to save your culture and this is truly something you care about then this is what you’ll do. You won’t outsource parenting to schools, media, teachers, or whatever else is found out there. You’ll take the time to do it right and do it yourself. You’ll make it a priority.

Saving Your Culture In 4 Steps

How to save your culture in 4 steps. None of these steps are easy and each step at the time that you are doing it may very well feel like the hardest thing that you’ve ever done. And that’s no exaggeration but it’ll also be the most worthwhile thing that you’ve ever done. Worthwhile and important and that’s no exaggeration as well.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge