How To Protect Your People, Culture, & Way Of Life From Being Destroyed Part 2

We all have things we love and enjoy in life, ways of living and existing that work and fit with our souls. There are those that want to destroy those ways of living, doesn’t matter who you are, and replace it with an inhuman existence that doesn’t fit with anyone with a soul. However this process isn’t inevitable and can be “fought” against. You can prevent your culture, people, and way of life from being annihilated in the world to come.

In the first part of this series we talked about how moving might be the best first move that you can make, moving to a place with a culture, people, and way of living are more like you. As it’s very hard to change a culture completely especially when you’re on person so it’s better to simply join up with something that’s already going and build off of it.

The next thing we talked about was no fighting against “Babylon” or the modern control system, again hence force referred to as Babylon. You don’t fight Babylon and win, instead you avoid its gaze. You appear to be neutral and not against it, just living your life. This is no guarantee you’ll be left alone and works mostly as a delay tactic but is still an important thing to understand.

Now let’s get into more ways to defend and preserve your people, culture, and ways of living.

The Importance Of The Arts

You’ve probably heard a lot about “representation” lately. Usually from “left leaning” sources and it may have left a bad taste in your mouth, but the word has meaning and importance. Representation means that people like you have, you guessed it representation in the works of the dominant mainstream culture. Without this representation people can feel less like people. You may or may not subscribe to this but there’s some truth to it. When your people or culture aren’t represented in arts it makes a difference.

You feel less like a people and culture. One of the best and biggest things you can do to keep your culture, people, and way of living alive is tell their stories and represent them in the arts. If you’re a novelist you could write stories about your people and culture and way of life. Paintings, poetry, film also play a role. As well as things like language and cooking also keep a people, culture, and way of living alive.

Promote you people/cultures way of living and art. Novels that represent them. Stories that are organically told about them. The language, for example how many people of Irish descent speak Gaelic? More speak English than anything. Learn about your forefathers did and they way of living, how they cooked and ate, and lived. Keep these things alive and keep them relevant. Have an understanding and appreciation of them. Music is another important aspect of this.

The Importance Of Community

Communities are where real power lie. A single person isn’t very powerful except for how much he can organize and persuade more people. We place a lot of importance of the individual and there’s certainly something to be said for that, however we shouldn’t let it blind us to the fact that groups are where the true power lies. One man can only do so much on his own, his power is expanded exponentially when he becomes part of a community. A quick example to illustrate this point.

Roosh V the pickup artist who ran the site Return Of Kings wrote anti-feminist and masculine stuff for years on his site. They wrote books and articles, had YouTube channels, podcasts, and more. Tons of information about anti-feminist and masculine topics was spread throughout the world by this site. Yet aside from some screeching feminists there was very little crackdown on it. However Roosh decided to organize in person meetups across the world and thats when shit hit the fan.

That’s when every media outlet condemned the meetups calling them “rape meetups” and when Return Of Kings went into the mainstream news cycle. Why? Why did they suddenly become a huge target as opposed as an annoyance to Babylon? What happened? What changed? Well they went from an online “community” to the chances of a real community forming up. With men meeting each other in real life, which is dangerous for Babylon.

They want you separated and atomized, or they want you thinking your part of something online. There is no such thing as an online community or an online tribe. The only kind of community that exists is a community of flesh and blood. You are going to need this to have any chance of keeping a people, culture, and way of living alive.

You need to start looking for or gathering like minded people around you. You don’t have to agree on everything, that’d be impossible, but you should share some underlying beliefs that will make community possible. And remember this has to be in the real world not online. Churches and neighborhoods are the two best places I can think of for starting this. But hey you could advertise it and forge your own flesh and blood community other ways as well.

The Importance Of Education

So before it may seem like I was downplaying the importance of books, articles, YouTube channels, and the like. Let me be clear that they still play an irreplaceable and fundamental role in saving or defending a people, culture, and way of life. My thoughts have changed so damn much over the years its crazy. The more you learn and the more you’re exposed to reality the faster that transformation takes place. And you want to share and propagate this information as well.

Let the education have seeds that’ll sprout and continue the cycle. That’s the main purpose of this city to spread the knowledge that I have attained that has helped me and to share it with others so that it may help then in turn and then you can go and share that knowledge again helping others. Starting a chain reaction and working to help heal the world. That might sound fanciful but it’s how things get done. Educate others, don’t do this by berating them, arugeing with them, or preaching to them. Do it by persuading them.

Ask them questions and draw things out, I wrote a whole article on how to do this, read it. And gently and slowly show people things that they never would have accepted before. If someone’s a reader then give them books that have changed you and tell them they’ll be surprised, and so on and so forth. There are also some enlightening documentaries, movies, and films out there that you should gather and share. Maybe start a book club/study to work through with other men.

The politically incorrect book club or something like that. Make up your own thing that’s relevant to your goals, your community, and your people, culture, and way of living.

Stay Tuned For More…

We’ve covered a hell of a lot here but we’re not done. This is an exhaustive topic that frankly you could write an entire book on. I don’t plan to that, at least not at the moment, but it could be done. I want to give you the barebones, biggest bang for your buck sort of stuff that’s going to make the biggest difference, as fast as possible. This is becoming a more and more relevant topic as times goes on.

My advice would be to study it now before it’s too late. And remember finding your slice of heaven is possible, nowhere’s perfect but some places are better for others overall and better for some rather than others. The place for you is out there but you have to find it and then when you’ve found it or at least traces of it, you have to work hard to preserve it and keep it going. This should be a good start…but again, there’s more to come.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

Charles Sledge