How The Membership Works

Here’s a step by step guide to signing up for the membership

Step #1 – Go to the subscribe page and purchase the subscription.

Step #2 – Then go to the log in page and click “forgot password” to register your own password. Your username is whatever comes before the @ in your email. So my username would be charlessledge001 as my email is

Here are some other examples of usernames. username would be DonnyReynolds1212 username would be ruafnjfnav7rnavdjv username would be superstud1000

And so on and so forth.

Step #3 – Register new password in email.

Step #4 – Log In and enjoy the content

If you want your username or email changed or have any questions send me an email at and I’ll get back to as quickly as possible.

P.S. I cannot change your password manually but can do anything else so just let me know.

P.P.S. You can also check out your account options and information on the my account page (as well as renew and/or cancel your subscription).