Masculinity, America, & Tax Season

American’s are very proud of their heritage. Of their throwing off their British masters, conquering the West, and turning a fertile land into the “shining beacon on a hill”. Americans have a very good mythology that goes along with their civic understand, a powerful myth that has held them for quite some time. Now granted the American myth/dream is on its last round of chemo before casting off into the great unknown, but there are still many things that all men can learn from America and its current state.

America is a divisive country, not just with the world around it, but also within its own borders. America started out as a bit of a pugnacious lot, willing to fight at the drop of a hat. Granted this was backed with some common sense and decency, nevertheless if these people were pushed they did not mind pushing back. It was a country where, at least for a little bit, the government did fear the people for awhile.

And that’s the myth that animated so much of American history. Don’t mess with us or mistreat us because we’ll knock you down. However the reality of the situation has changed quite considerably. America, like most countries, has gone through many changes. Most of these changes making things harder for the average person and much better for those with money and power. Whether it be in business, banking, or government.

America in the 1700’s rebelled because of a small tax. Now Americans have their taxes taxed on top of their taxes being taxed. Taxes in America essentially require a advanced degree to make any sense of. And if you fail then you will get punished by the IRS. Quite a fun system and one you hear a whole about during this time of the year.

If you ever feel life is too swell go and file a year of taxes in America, that’ll even you out.

Whining & Crying…Masculine?

There is a lot of whining going on America. By both left and right. By people of all types and character. People lament how draconian many things have become and how people are mistreated more and more by the rich and powerful each and every day. Whether through oppressive taxation, censorship, or whatever the hot button issue currently is. We are encouraged to whine. Americans are taught whining and complaining will get you whatever you want in their country.

But that’s not how it works. Unless of course, what is being whined and cried about is what the rich and powerful already want.

People get the politicians that they deserve. Politicians match the character of a people. Many Americans lament the corruption of their politicians but then ignore the corruption in their own community or even more, in the mirror. Many people want change but are given false ways of getting change.

Some say they should rebel, grab their muskets and kick out the people in charge. But that’s even more foolish than whining and complaining.

However there is a way that men can change things and does not involve violence.

Leadership Of The Self, Leadership Of The Tribe

If men were more masculine taxes would be lower.

Now at first glance that might seem like a strange statement to make right? What is the connection between masculinity and taxes? Well, quite a bit actually.

Someone who is masculine has a tolerance for what can be done to them. If they are mistreated they will act through the appropriate channels. They will not take something laying down. When taxes first started increasing men would have stood up, organized their communities, and either voted against it. Or told those raising them that there was a limit. They would have used the system of checks and balances that is provided in the American governmental system.

But what they wouldn’t do is sit back and whine about it.

That solves nothing. And this isn’t just a “left wing” thing. “right wing” people are just as bad, if not worse, for it. The loss of masculinity affects both sides, though its represented in different forms. One more obvious than the others. Changing a nation for the better, making life better for the average person starts with men.

Starts with men taking leadership of themselves and leadership of their tribe around them. But it starts with self-leadership and the willingness to take a stand.

To be men.

To say what is right, in a polite way, and to lead and organize people around them. Masculinity and leadership are tied at the hip. A lack of masculinity also represents a lack of leadership. Plain and simple.

Who Will Light The Beacon

Most people are lost and looking for guidance. They’re desperate for someone to stand up and lead them to a better life. To organize the chaos of the world and make order out of it. This is not a political thing, though there are political ramifications, rather it’s a masculine thing, a leadership thing. Strong men make good times. They lead with their example and their word. They don’t lie down and they don’t resort to violence from the start.

Leadership is a topic that I want to do a deeper dive into in the future. There is so much to learn from the leaders that came before and the examples that they have left. For a better life, for a better community, and for a better world. Never underestimate the power of influence and leadership.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Understanding why is a critical task.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge