Some Quick Ways To Be A Better Leader

Leadership is one of the fundamental skills that men must master. If you are to have an effect on the world around you, to change things around, even yourself, for the better. You are going to need leadership skill and know-how. I think more and more we see a lack of leadership at all levels of society. This shows itself in the lack of respect, lawlessness, and other ill factors that we see building in our society.

Granted much of this we have talked about and I think leadership is just one more aspect of addressing the fixing of a society, of a nation, of a community, of a person. All change starts with you. Start by leading yourself, once you have started leading yourself only then can you lead others. I spoke a little bit before about how we were going to be diving into leadership.

Well consider this the first lesson. It’s a smattering of things here, things that I think many people take for granted and don’t necessarily think of as being part of leadership but that nevertheless are critical to leading others and shaping the world in a positive way. I also want to point out that I’m not going to list moral things here like being a good person.

You can be an effective leader without being a good person, though obviously I would recommend against it. Morality is something that you need to take care of on your own and to be the best leader possible, as in what’s best for yourself and the world around you then I’d have to say that morality plays a very big role.

But we’re getting distracted, back to the matter at hand.

Be A Better Leader Method One – Meaningful Specifics Versus Vague Generalities

Who would have known that copywriting contained good leadership advice. Something you’ll find that the best leaders have is clarity. They are clear on what they stand for, they are clear on what they expect, and they are clear on just about everything else in regards to their leadership. Leaders have to create a vision for others, a ‘dream’ so to speak for others to follow. And that dream can’t be to “be better”, “do great things”, or “be the best for the world”.

Those are all vague generalities. We all picture something different when we think of those things. Vague generalities don’t stir up much feeling, but meaningful specifics do. Meaning that a leader conveys their vision not just in broad terms but with laser like clarity as well. They let you know exactly what their vision is and exactly how they are going to get there, while also being open for course correction or change. But the clearer they can get on what their vision is and what they want, the more effective of a leader they will be.

Be A Better Leader Method Two – Start With Why

Simon Sinek wrote a book that I recommend you pick up called “Start With Why” it talks about how companies that stick with their ‘why’ AKA their reason for being succeed in the marketplace and have more longevity than those that focus on other factors. And this applies not just to corporations but also to small businesses, churches, communities, families, even individuals. You have to ‘find your why’ something that I’ve talked about before but that becomes even more critical for leaders who are wanting to make an impact.

Once you have identified your why you have a center that you can operate from, a true center. A center that will naturally attract those that you want to attract and repel those that you want to repel. Thus creating a better and more effective community, business organization, or whatever else. Even with family where you can’t change the members, getting clear on your why still has lots of benefits.

It will charge your actions and make it clear to others what you are about. You’ll notice the why for this site has never changed. It’s still ‘reclaim your freedom’ and what does that mean? It means anything that gives you back your time and happiness. To reclaim your freedom from the modern world and its crazy work-life balance, depression, sickness, and other maladies. To reclaim your freedom to live as a healthy creation in a natural world.

Be A Better Leader Method Three – Adaptability

It’s not the strongest, the smartest, nor the fastest that survive and thrive, it’s the most adaptable. The only constant is change which is why as a leader, as anyone desiring growth, you must constantly learn and keep your eyes open to the world around you. Change is coming, always is and always will be. Leaders that can maintain their core, maintain their ‘why’ while also pivoting and changing as needed will be the leaders that thrive and survive in whatever comes ahead.

Being adaptable does not mean giving up all your core values and jumping ship as soon as change happens. It means keeping a consistent core while looking at the road ahead and seeing where you might need to change or pivot. Not your core values, unless of course you feel the need to, but rather how you express those values and the methodology to do so. You must learn to bend without snapping. That how palm trees survive hurricanes and its how leaders will survive the future.

Adapt & Overcome

Leadership is needed, just like strength, just like wisdom. Without leaders there is no vision, there is no future. Or rather there is the vision and future that others would foist on us, that is not to our advantage. If people are to change they need to see that change is possible, they need to be painted a picture of what the future could be, of what life could be. How great, how wonderful, how nice and sweet the future could be if the leader is followed.

And you have to be truthful about that, you can’t fake it. Not to be the most effective leader possible. Try these things out in your own life, see how they impact those around you. Remember leadership starts with yourself and branches out from there. A cliche but a powerful quote, be the change you want to see in the world. Do it, go out and take actions that will make that quote true for you.

Leaders are needed, will you answer the call?

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge