The Plan That I Would Give My Son To Help Him Become Financially Independent & Free – Part 1


It’s the source of so much pain and frankly, so much happiness. There’s a saying that money doesn’t make you happy and there’s truth to that but at the same time without money, at least in the modern world, it’s going to be very hard being happy. Maybe you can be happy but I’d say it’d be even harder to be fulfilled. You won’t be living your life to the max and you will not have the same impact that you would if you had money.

Money is essential to life. Because food, water, and shelter are all provided through money. Freedom is provided through money. Getting your time back has to do with money. And so on and so forth. Getting money right is one of the most important things that you can learn and spend time developing skills related to.

Unfortunately many of us never learn anything about money. About how to get it, how to retain it, and how not to lose it. Critical skills to our wellbeing in life. What I’ve been putting together lately is things that I want to show to my sons, when I have them. Resources that will work as “cheat sheets” so to speak about critical skills in life, principles that will help him succeed in the world and be the best that he can be.

Both for himself and for the world at large.

Here I want to lay out principles of money.

How To Get Money Flow

Don’t start with passive income, entrepreneurship, or things of that nature. They all require quite a bit of capital to get going, they’re great for the next step but going from working a crappy 9-5 to making six figures from home is a cliff that’s impossible for most to scale, no matter how stubborn or determined.

Ask me how I know.

Anyways, the first thing you want to focus on is getting positive money flow and lots of it. Eventually we want to divorce our time from our money but before that we have to actually have money to facilitate the divorce. We have to crawl before we can walk. And making a good living from passive income while being free is sprinting in the Olympics. So naturally we want to look at where the money is?

Where can we get money?

Again don’t jump into things that require big amounts of capital to get started such as entrepreneurship right away.

Look at jobs. Yes, jobs. I know most are taught that jobs are awful and for a life time strategy they certainly can be but jobs are also required to get started with capital. Unless you’re getting money from a trust fund or rich benefactor you’re going to have to get your money from a job at the start.

So what job pays?

The natural answer is doctor, lawyer, or business owner. Now with the business owner we already spoke about why that can’t be done just yet, at least not efficiently. As for doctor and lawyer these both require huge amounts of schooling that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and frankly you are not guaranteed to make all that much when you get out.

Not only that but your work life balance is shot, and not just temporarily but often permanently. These vocations are more callings than they are for people who are looking to make money.

So then where are the money making jobs? Jobs that don’t require you waste money on a college degree.

Two come to mind.

The trades and sales.

I think right now, those are the two that are going to give you the best chance of earning enough money to fund a side venture that will eventually give you the freedom to divorce your time from your money.

Sales is always a good choice.

Right now trades are a good choice.

Plumber, carpenter, mechanic, electrician, things of that nature.

The schooling is much cheaper and the pay is much better.

Trade school is college for the smart man. At least right now, this could change with time. Whereas sales will never change and always be a good choice.

Insurance, cars, real estate, whatever. Anything that you can do to earn a decent commission. Then grab the books and the courses because you’re going to put yourself through sales college.

But these two options will give you capital. Not just capital so you can live and stay above the poverty line but capital that you can invest. That you can invest in a business that will eventually let you divorce your money from your time and achieve the most elusive thing in the developed world.


Because freedom is being able to do with your time as you choose, as much as possible.

The Journey To Mastering Money

Money is the life of the modern world. It’s the oxygen that we breathe. We can be mad about this or we can accept it and do what we must to attain it. But attainment is only the first step. After attaining we must do two more things. First we have to retain, or keep, the money and then we have to grow it. And grow it in a way that works to divorce our money from our time. Thereby creating freedom.

And freedom is what we’re after, after all.

Freedom and fulfillment.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge