How To Protect Your People, Culture, & Way Of Life From Being Destroyed Part 3

I hadn’t ever intended for this “series” to be this long. It was supposed to be a single article that I thought might shake it up a bit while also addressing an important topic. But it was about three fourths through the first article when I realized this was going to require a lot more room. Honestly like many topics covered on this site an entire book could be written about the subject. But I don’t intend to do that here.

We’ve covered a lot of ground and I hope given you a few things to think about. We live in a rapidly changing world and those that don’t keep their eyes and ears open and learn from the world around them are doomed to run into some harsh realities that they never saw coming. And like they say in boxing, it’s the punch you didn’t see coming that puts you away. And as Westerners there’s a lot of punches we refuse to see.

So I want to address some common ignorance, taboos, and other general grains of wisdom that I think will help shed light on many a confusing thing, especially when it comes to protecting and preserving your people, culture, and way of life. One quick thing to note. Some people might ask “Why would I preserve my way of life? What does it matter?” especially those affected by Babylon, where what consumer brand one wears means more than the blood that flows in their veins.

And I’ll make this as simple as possible. Majorities exterminate minorities when enough pressure has built up. So if your culture doesn’t survive it may very well mean you won’t either. We forget this living in a sheltered world but history plays it out again and again. And no you can’t just adopt someone else’s culture like you would buy a different brand of jeans. The protection and preservation of your culture could very well be the protection and preservation of your life and descendants one day.

But on to the article.

Some Taboos & Ignorances That Could Hold You Back

So there are some “thought patterns” and the like that I think hold a lot of people back. So I know in today’s world we like to pretend like a lot of things don’t matter. That everything can mix and match freely how they want with no problems whatsoever. Switching religions, cultures, hell even genders and races anymore is the same as switching from nike to reebok or whatever. However this isn’t how reality works.

We may not like it but religion, culture, race, gender, sexual orientation, height, weight, shit just about everything that could possibly make up a human being matters. It all makes a difference. It makes a difference on how that person is perceived, treated, and the life that they live. Anyone who denies this has their head in the sand. These things matter and they make a difference. Even if we don’t want them too.

That’s just a fact. Now what does this matter and what does this mean? Well whatever your particular culture is understand that when another culture is around it that is larger than it, it will either consume or destroy that culture most likely. Essentially what I’m saying is that you don’t want to be in the minority for anything big if you want a long, prosperous, happy, and peaceful life where you live.

It’s a sad fact of human nature but a true one. Look around you, how are things changing and trending? Towards people like you or away from people like you? Because whether you like it or not, whether you want it too or not, this makes a difference. You might not want it to, it may go against your beliefs, but it’s a reality of the world. People don’t like differences and minor annoyances can turn into killings with less provocation and time than one would think.

This is reality.

So These Things Matters, But What’s The Most Important?

We’ve kind of already discussed this but figured would lay it out again here. When looking what to forge something around, a community, a refuge in this hostile world, we need to look for something that is strong and is going to be able to hold as the center. For example things like wearing the same brand of clothing, like the same TV show, having the same hobby, living in the same geographical area (though better), and having the same political affiliate (though also better).

So if none of these things are strong enough to bind a people together what is? Well the first is a common enemy or outside threat. An outside threat, the greater the more powerful this effect, can bind people who otherwise wouldn’t be together, together. So even people with large differences. However it’s hard to keep a big time threat there for long periods of time without also being destroyed yourself or overcoming the threat. So while this is powerful I wouldn’t call it a long term “solution” and of course in this case the “cure” would be worse than the “problem”.

So what can you bind a community around? What’s powerful and has shown to be true throughout history. Well there’s three primary things I can think of and you’re probably not going to like them. Those three things are religion, race, and culture. Let me give some examples. Let’s address each in turn.


So religion, religion is a powerful binder of people and something that you can actually forge a community around. But it’s a little more specific than you might think. Religion can mean a lot of different things. For example am I talking about religion vs atheist. So banding Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists together as they’re all “religious”? No, that’s not going to work, still too much room for division. Which brings us to the next thought.

Okay so we need a homogenous religion then right? So we can band a community around people who are all Christian or all Muslim? Again, no, too much room for division. Look at the bloodshed between Sunni and Shia or between Catholics and Protestants. And there’s just too many different factions within each group, even say Protestantism has hundreds of different “kinds” that aren’t going to be compatible with one another. Though we are getting closer.

You want the least amount of division that’s possible without driving people crazy. So you could forge something around say Methodists or Mormons or a combination of sects that doesn’t compromise either too much. A synthetization if you will. But don’t overestimate how much can be synthesized, it’s less than you think. Regardless religion is a powerful and fundamental “thing” that you can organize a community around.


This is the one no one want to talks about but history has shown is one of the most powerful. Racism exists because humans are racist, it’s literally part of our survival mechanism, honed over millions of years, to trust people who are different than us. To be human is to be racists, at least in a way. And all races share this. Understand it, accept it, and know why it matters. Race is a huge place for division and is therefore also something that you can forge a community around.

We already see this in neighborhoods in the United States and other Western nations. You have one block that’s Italian, the next over is Jamaican, then the next over from that is Jewish, and so on and so forth. Little communities formed around race. You may say that’s national identity but race is the stronger factor here. Now what does this mean? Does this mean if people are “white” or “black” you can form a community around that fact alone?

Well, yes and no. Again to form a community we’re looking to limit the divisions possible and race is a big one. If you can get the people to identify as a race then yes this is possible. Now granted race is stronger than national identity but national identity can also play a role and cause division. So it’d be better to have a community of Irish than it would say “white people”, but in the end race works and is a powerful factor to forge a community around.


Of the three this is the most nebulous and with the broadest definition. For example in the United States “Southern” is considered a culture yes addressing a whole swath of different peoples and different ways of living. While it certainly points to something beyond a geographical area (after all Mexico isn’t “southern” despite being further south) it’s still way too broad to forge a community around. At least a community that’ll last.

But again it points to something. A culture is a certain way of living and has ties to both race and religion. There are warrior cultures, agrarian cultures, mountain cultures, and all sort of cultures out there that point to a certain set of values and a certain way of living. I think values would be the best word to sum up culture, though by no means complete. But back to values, what is important to a certain people/culture/way of living. What things are good what things are bad?

What things are rewarded? What things are punished? And so on and so forth. I think this represents a good hunk of culture. Cultures the most multifaceted of the three and can therefore be a very strong binder or a relatively weak one depending on what we mean by culture and what we’re looking at here. However when used right its perhaps the most powerful binder that there is.

Use All Three For Maximum Effect

If you wanted the strongest community bond possible you’d look for a place that had the same religion, race, and culture as you. Or at least shoot for two or the three. That’s the place that’s going to give you the best chance to protect and preserve you people, culture, and way of life. That’s the place where you’ll do the most good and make the biggest difference. That’s the place where you’ll be most effective.

And honestly, if you haven’t found that place, I’d spend a good amount of time looking for it or looking for somewhere close to it. Again if you can’t get three out of three then look for two out of three. And this doesn’t mean that you still can’t travel or go see other places. Rather it means you’ll have the strongest of home bases and tribes to return to. And it gives you the best shot at protecting and preserving your people, culture, and way of life.

So think about it, because it’s one of the most important things you can spend time thinking on.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge