10 Ways To Live A Happier Life Part 3

So we’ve come down to it, the final three ways to live a happier life. I hope that you don’t think that this is a trivial matter, because it’s not. Happiness is a real and important thing. It has a huge impact on your well being and health. Physically and mentally. I think far too many men don’t take the time to truly think about this and end up miserable because of it.

Thinking and acting on that thinking can save you a hell of a lot of trouble and pain in life. The thing is very few people want to do the hard work that is thinking and then even for those that do, do the hard work of thinking they don’t want to do the hard work of acting on that thinking. And that causes lots of problems.

So let’s wrap up this series on how a man can live a happier better life and why this matters so much.

Way To A Happier Life #8 – Go Deeper With Your Understanding

This one’s a bit broader then a lot of what we’ve covered. What I mean by this is do more than just study surface level stuff. For example say you make good money, have the dating life that you want, are in the shape that you want, then most people would call it a day there and say you have everything. But you could still be a complete fool in many areas and missing out on what life has to offer or be heading towards destruction.

It’s great to have the basics covered, basics generally referring to wealth/health/relationships and most people never have so things covered, so if you do get them covered then hats off to you. But don’t stop there. You know the truth about making money, about women, and about health that’s great you’re ahead of 99% of the population. But that’s not where you stop that’s where you just get started. You just entered the game, not left it.

Now’s when the real stuff comes in. Broad your horizon dig into things, learn all that you can about this world around you. Study an art, do your best to “master” it. Have a politically, cultural, and historical understanding on the world around you. Read a couple of banned books. “Self-mastery” if it can be called, is just the start. Don’t get me wrong you should always be learning more about the “basics” but at the same time broaden your horizons.

Keep seeking for the truth in all things.

Way To A Happier Life #9 – Find Your Culture & People

This may not be a politically correct truth and it may not be something that most people want to deal with but overall you’re going to be happier around people who are more like you. This means demographic wise, religion wise, and culturally wise. It’s not fun being the minority wherever you are. Sure if you’re really rich and living in a “nice part” of the city and just “enjoying life” then maybe this doesn’t apply as much. But for those that don’t make crazy money think about this.

Again this is something most people would rather die than acknowledge but it’s the truth, it’s human nature. People are happier and safer around people that are more like them. Why? because there’s less room for conflict, now don’t get me wrong people will always find conflict between each other but it lessens the avenues there. I’ve talked to people from literally every race and continent, excluding Antarctica, and a bevy of different cultures and they all say the same thing.

Explore other cultures but live with your own culture. As a Westerner this can seem like a foreign concept but it makes sense. You’re going to be best off around people who are like you in as many ways as possible. Again demographically, religiously, and culturally. The most mixed up areas, unless uber rich, are generally where a whole lot of people are miserable. This isn’t “politically correct” but its the truth. Demographics, religion, and especially above all else culture matters.

Way To A Happier Life #10 – Start A Family

Of all on the list this will probably be the most controversial as many “men’s self-improvement” ideologies have brainwashed men that having a family is slavery. Sort of like feminism for men. But biologically facts are different. When you do it right having a family is one of the most fulfilling and natural things that you can do. The thing is, it takes a lot of work to do it right. Finding a wife is a huge ordeal and incredibly hard to do in today’s world. Same with having a stable job, having a land, a place that’s safe for them.

And the actual raising of children which is a whole other task. Raising a family is a hell of a thing and something that I think most males are called too. Many males try to distract themselves with many different things in life thinking that it’ll “fulfill” them when what their hearts want is a legacy, a family. Much like feminists, who they weirdly despise despite being their twin, they focus on material pursuits and dopamine pleasures instead of things that make a positive difference in life.

I’m not saying everyone has to start a family but the majority of men would be happier if they worked towards this. Easier said than done of course as finding a woman who’d make a good wife is an incredibly hard task, making enough money to support a family also incredibly hard, and then raising them is another incredibly hard task. But just because something is hard doesn’t mean it isn’t fulfilling or that it isn’t worth it.

The Path To Happiness

So there you have it ten ways to live a happier life. Aside from the first three probably not things you’re going to find on many other lists. I tried to do the first three with general happiness things, the second list with things you’ll hear a lot in “men’s self-improvement” circles, and the third list with things that’ll piss everyone off. Yet that are as true as anything that’s ever been said. You have a lot here to sort through and think about.

Look to start applying these things in your life. Knowledge without action is fruitless. It doesn’t do anything for you. If you want to bear fruit, and good fruit at that then you’ll start applying these things. Some are easier than others, no doubt about that, but they’re all useful. Start with the first list as it’s the easiest then the second and finally the third. Essentially every article on this site will help you in some capacity so look around. Go through the old archives, maybe start from the beginning.

And then go out a forge a happy masculine life worth living.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge