10 Ways To Live A Happier Life Part 2

We left off at #3 and are going to continue from there. For a quick recap.

#1 – Move From The City

#2 – Eat A Natural Diet

#3 – Meditate Or Walk In Nature

Let’s keep going.

Way To A Happier Life #4 – Put Yourself First

At first this might seem selfish or even wrong. Putting yourself first? Doesn’t that mean you’re going to be a arrogant jerk with an outsized ego? Well, no not really. I think the best analogy for this is for anyone who’s ever flown. You know how they tell that in case of an emergency and those air masks things deploy to put your own on before putting a child’s on. Why is that? Because they hate children and want children to die and want you to watch your child die in front of you?

No, of course not. But they’ll like need help, they’ll likely need your help. And here’s the thing if you’re incapacitated you’re not going to be much help and they won’t be able to help you. And everyone ends up in a bad place. As a matter of fact I’d say that overall it’s selfish to not put yourself first because here’s the thing. In order to help others to actually have the ability to help others you have to take care of yourself first.

You have to take care of your needs first and only then will you be able to effectively help others. It you don’t have the skills, wherewithal, strength, wisdom, and stability that others need to help them what use could you possibly be? What use does throwing a lead weight to someone drowning do? It does nothing, it can only hinder not help. You have to put yourself first for good things in life, including happiness. This doesn’t mean be a selfish jerk it means take care of your own needs first.

Way To A Happier Life #5 – Stop Doing Things The Hard Way

People underestimate the value of books and what one can learn from them. Essentially books, at least good ones, and talking non-fiction here thought fiction is great for its own reasons, are a person’s life account of experience given to you for a few bucks. They take all the mistakes, wrong thinking, and best practices and give them to you without you having to do things the hard way for years. Especially when you start in a field knowledge can make a world of difference.

Doing things the hard way is foolish? You should use every advantage that you have because life is hard enough on its own. For example say you to into a sales job. Now you could log in long hours everyday busting your ass to learn or you could buy a few books on the subject from those that have sold for a lifetime and get those nuggets of wisdom at a much lower cost. Sorry but when it comes down to working smart or working hard, working smart is going to get you a lot more bang for your buck.

But you should also work hard in addition to working smart. Experience, in many cases, is vastly overrated. For a great many tasks, jobs, and skills knowledge is what matters. Read books and shave years, decades, centuries even off your learning experience. It makes no sense not to dip into the deep well of knowledge we have available at our finger tips. Stop doing things the hard way.

Way To A Happier Life #6 – Go Against The Grain

Most people are miserable, unhealthy, mentally unstable, and hate their lives. Or at best live lives of “quiet desperation”. I think we can agree that the average person does not have a life that we want or want to aspire too. Yet at the same time we follow all the same advice as the average person and expect different results. The average path produces average results. Follow after the masses and you’ll end up in the same place as them.

To be successful you have to go against the grain, against what the mainstream says. If the mainstream worked then everyone would be successful or at least better off and they’re certainly not. If you think getting good grades, going to a good school, and saving in a 401k is going to get you anywhere decent you’ve deceived yourself. Now granted this might work for a select few doctors, lawyers, and the like.

But even then less than you think. The major point I’m getting at is don’t follow after the crowd, that way lies madness. People don’t do things because they work or they make sense they do things because they’re too lazy or dumb to think for themselves. Yeah, that’s harsh but more importantly it’s true. Never follow after the masses, never do what is the mainstream path. The average person is not in possession of happiness.

Way To A Happier Life #7 – Find Something To Master

I think there are some basic skills that every man to live the best life possible needs to master. For example I think sales is an essential one and probably the one I’d start with. But there’s also survival/fighting skills. I think each man should know the basics of things like pointing shooting, some basic hand to hand stuff, and be able to survive in the woods for a week. It might not seem “practical” but I think it teaches you many other things as well. However in addition to these base skills I think a man should go on and find something to master.

Man was meant to grow, learn, and master not just the world around him but also himself. I think every man should have a craft that invigorates him and that he seeks to become a master in. Now granted it might be one of the “fundamental” skills I outlined before maybe you want to be the best salesman possible or a professional copywriter, maybe you want to be next Bear Grylls or perhaps want to fight professionally. That’s fine, or it can be something completely different.

This skill it really doesn’t matter what it is so long as you truly and deeply love and enjoy it. It could be whatever, remember we already have the fundamental skills covered so feel free to go wild. Anything you can think of that inspires a deep fascination in you. And this is in addition to raising a family, working a job, and all of that. Something separate from all that, that you love. A hobby you can turn into something greater, something more. A high art in the true definition of the word.

Stayed Tuned For More…

I think this article is running long enough. There’s four more ways to live a happier life. Many of which I think would go against the grain of most of these kind of posts. While the first three were more conventional. Anyways tune in for the next article and learn three more ways to live a happier life, something I think we all aspire to do.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge