The Only Conspiracy Is That There Isn’t One

So first off let me explain what I mean by conspiracy and what we’re talking about here. The dictionary definition of conspiracy is “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful” and I would add in that groups best interest generally at the expense of others. So when we look at conspiracy it’s very obvious that it goes hand in hand with those who have money and power and want to increase and keep that money and power. It’s just common sense.

Conspiracy doesn’t mean that lizard men run the world, that aliens are in the white house, or things of that nature. Conspiracy simply means plans and plots that are done in secret. Which to me seems pretty obvious. Let’s take the Rothschilds for example. At one point in time this family owned a great portion of the world’s wealth, now not sure exactly how much as claims have been exaggerated (It wasn’t 80% for example) but it was still somewhere around 1/10 or so, maybe higher.

Think about that, 1/10 of the entire world’s wealth concentrated in a family. Now if you or I were part of this family would we not be using that wealth to, I don’t know, keep and grow our power? When money is no longer an issue, power generally becomes the focus. Now I know most people would say “No, not me. If I had that money I’d cloth all the world’s poor and feed them and just be a little angel.” but we also know that’s all bullshit, human nature is very different.

The Obvious Nature Of “Conspiracy”

Obviously they’d do at least a little something to keep themselves in power. They’d be meddling in the affairs of their own nation and neighboring ones and so on and so forth, and that’s if they had sterling character. If they’re merely human it’d be even worse (and that’s to say nothing if they’re assholes). Meaning that the only “conspiracy”, using it’s false usual definition, would be that someone with so much money and power wouldn’t use it further their own ends and the ends of the things they cared about.

I mean come on, do you think they just sat on their haunches with that kind of money and power? Or do you think they put it to use for them? I know many would say “Oh well I’d be satisfied if I had that so I’d just sit back and enjoy my life. Why risk anything meddling in things?” but that’s exactly how human nature works. You wouldn’t be satisfied. Whenever it comes to issues of money and power with humans the answer is always “More, more, more!”, there is literally never enough. You could have all the money and power in the world and you still wouldn’t be satisfied and you’d still want more.

Not to mention the kind of person it takes to acquire that type of money and power in the first place. Now you might say “Oh well that’s the Rothschild and that’s a single family.” and you’re right but the same fundamentals of human nature apply across the board. Whether it’s the U.S. Government looking to expand and increase its power, things like the IMF, Multi-national Corporations wanting their toxic products sold, or politicians wanting to desperately stay in power. I’m not saying any of these things are evil in and of themselves but they’re all run by humans. And humans are gonna human.

Conspiracy Makes Sense

Let’s look back at the definition of the word “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.” now honestly if anyone is ever planning on doing anything unlawful or harmful do you think they’ll be out in the open about it? Are they going to go on CNN and say “Yeah, we’re totally planning on just like poisoning all of you idiots.” no, of course not. That wouldn’t make any sense. Anything that’s illegal or harful by its very nature is going to be done in secret, at least if people are smart, and those with lots of money and power might be evil, but they’re not dumb.

And are we going to sit here and believe that bankers that have their fingers in the entire worlds money supply, politicians with gobs of money and power, and CEOs of giant corporations are all the grandest and most pure-hearted people that have ever lived? Are we to believe that they’ve never had thoughts of illegally or harmfully expanding their profits and/or power? Okay, so then the only logical solution is that there is a conspiracy, actually that there are a great many conspiracies going on. It only makes logical sense. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is the denial of conspiracy.

Conspiracies make logical sense when we look at the facts and how human nature operates and functions. Think of how petty we can be with so little on the line? Now imagine fortunes larger than most countries GDP and power that we can’t comprehend in our day to day lives. What picture does that paint? Another thing, I remember it being said, slightly as a joke but meant to be a truth is that of course there is no conspiracy because people are too dumb. We forget where our keys are how could we run the world. But that’s exactly the thing that makes a conspiracy more likely. If you’re not dumb then it’s easy to run others. Yeah if conspiracy relied on the average person it’d fail but not if it relied on those smarter than the rest.

Muddying The Waters

Of course I’m not the only person that knows or understands this so the whole “conspiracy”, in this definition anything that questions the mainstream account of things, has to be made suspect. So crazy conspiracy theories that are only believed by people who smoke a lot of weed are put out there to discredit the entire thing. Guilt by association. They muddy the waters because they know how easy that is to do.

And then people can sit in their homes and think “Hey nothing to worry about here, everything’s fine. I know what’s being told to me is true because c’mon what’s the alternative? That the president is a lizard man or an alien sent form outer space? Of course that’s ridiculous so therefore everything else I’m told is on the up and up.” the logical make work a little differently but that’s the gist of it. Critical thinking skills atrophy and die or are never developed in the first place. And people stay dumb.

I’m not saying this to save the world or even to say that most people don’t deserve to be taken advantage of. To be honest I don’t care about humanity as a whole, I just don’t. Why would I? The human brain can’t honestly do that, I think something like 150 is our number. Granted most numbers and stats like that always end up being disproven or changed but the grand point remains. There is no brotherhood of man or worldwide unity. There is you and yours and everyone else. Doesn’t mean you can’t be kind to others but don’t delude yourself either.

Living In The Conspriacy

You can’t wake up the “masses” and even if you could that wouldn’t turn out like you think, likewise you can’t take down the “conspiracies” yourself. All you can do is put out the truth for those that’ll listen and take care of you and yours. Live your life in according to what is true and real. Don’t get caught in nonsense. Whether it’s some dumb political cause or being eyeball deep in debt, or whatever else. Understand where these things come from and their intentions and turn away from them. You can share the truth but don’t expect anything but hatred for it.

Most are not ready for the truth and never will be. They will go their graves blind as a bat and maybe happy as a clam, though that second part is becoming less and less likely. So like I said look at how the world actually works and then adjust your life. Maybe you don’t eat certain foods, don’t live certain places, don’t get caught up in the political madness, and a million other things. Use the truth to free your bonds, it is after all a sword. But others will try to rip your arm off if you try to free them, so just leave the sword in reach and go on your way. You’ll be the better for it.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge

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