How The Bible Was Stripped Of All Power & Meaning (And Why It Matters To You)

You may not care about the Bible, you may even have a chip on your shoulder against the religion it produced. Regardless I’d say read this because it applies to all peoples, cultures, religions, and ways of living. It’s about hijacking, willful misunderstanding, and manipulation. The most important thing that it’s about is about how to take something that has power and stripping it of that power to make it neutered and useless. Same could be said of many other things as well. I choose the Bible because culturally I have the most familiarity with it and have read it the most.

But like I said this applies to other religions whether “official” or not and also ways of living and cultures. It’s about the hijacking and neutering of something. So first off let me say that I’m not anti-Bible or anti-Christian. Most people who write about this subject have a big giant chip on their shoulder. Many atheists and pagans that I’ve seen actually aren’t atheists or pagans but rather just anti-Christians if that makes sense. I actually believe Christianity’s mythology has a lot to teach and says a lot about the world we live in.

I think the ancient Israelite people (whomever they may have been) had a good handle on the primal and cosmic nature of things (as did many other old religions) and that the New Testament has much to say as well. Most of these things are beyond me but I’ll share what I know and think here. I’m no Bible shcholar but that might be a good thing as modern Evangelical Chrisitnity is honestly something I think is against true Christianity, again a topic maybe a bit much for right now but I might dive into at a latter date. But anyways how to strip something powerful of its power.

The Main Goal Of Modern “Christianity”

Both Protestants and Catholics have perverted Christianity in their own way and for their own purposes at different times. Both usually for money and for power. I know each likes to throw barbs at the others but all are guilty. But I’d like to focus on modern Evangelicals which is a branch of Protestantism because they bear the most power in the United States and largely the Western world as a whole. So let’s take a look at what the fundamental goals of Evangelicalism is and what they do. Sure there will be differences between different Evangelicals but this is their goals as a whole from what I’ve seen.

The number one goal of Evangelicals is the spread “the Gospel” far and wide and get as many people as possible to recite a few lines in order to get into heaven. They’re big on missionary work, cultural outreach, and doing whatever is possible to make that sale. As I’ve said elsewhere they’re focused on quantity over quality. Everything is about getting one more member into the “kingdom”. That is the end all be all of Evangelicalism. Church members are asked if they’ve shared the Gospel with anyone lately and who’ve they’ve recruited lately. That’s the focus. I’ve already talked about how the quantity over quality destroyed the church but I want to dig more into this.

Because of these goals the church and Christianity as a whole because sort of a Multi-Level Marketing Company. Where it’s all about getting more people in your downline. It’s all about making that next sale and bringing another in. Doesn’t matter their creed, color, or soul. Just bring the suckers in. More, more, more. Who have you recruited lately? Here’s a pamplet. Are you talking to people at your school/work/etc. That’s what Evangelism is.

Commercializing & Stripping Cultural Power

Then because this is the main goal of MLM Christianity (called Evangelicalism by most) is to simply recruit more members regardless of their soul or anything else. Every story in the Bible, ever parable, every tale, every verse is reconstructed to talk about recruiting more members for Jesus. Things with deep cultural and cosmic nature are reduced to parables about making a sale and who’s ready for a sale. Things that have deep and great meaning are stripped of their power. It’s commercialized and robbed.

And therefore loses its cultural power. Christianity becomes annoying peddlers who essential wear people down until they make a purchase. Christianity becomes a big business and not the kind that Catholicism is but a different kind, a less honest kind. In this sense Evangelism is a true form of Satanism in that it’s against God, at least if you follow the Christian mythos. When you read the Bible divorced from modern Christianity and modern Christians without a preacher man versed in salesmanship “leading” you through, there’s much rich meaning to be had.

But with them they come in and pollute and destroy it, robbing it of meaning and power. It’s all about recruiting more tithers for Jesus. All the true meaning stripped and gone from it. It neuters, corrupts, and destroys it more thoroughly then anyone “outside the faith” could ever hope to do. Because of these main goals it makes itself amendable to the various cultures around it, instead of standing on its own.

Why Should We Care?

You may not care about Christianity or the Bible, you may even hate them but this process should still matter to you. Taking that which has power and meaning and diluting it, hijacking it, and stripping it of power. Today it’s Christianity tomorrow it’s the thing you draw power from. Nothing is safe in the modern world and nothing will be. So be alert for the rot that spreads, be alert for good powerful things being stripped of their usefulness, goodness, and power. And stop it if you can.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge