Members Only Post #88 – Having A Healthy Mind, Body, & Soul

I’d say that the trend of the modern world is unhealth in all its forms. Look around you and tell me what you see. Do you see healthiness? Or do you see deformity and sickness? And I’m not just talking physically (though that’s included) but spiritually and mentally as well. Would you say society as a whole is progressing or regressing? Aside from technological advancements, who who knows could’ve been much more, I’d say that society and cultures as a whole are regressing.

This applies to every level as well. From nations as a whole to states/counties to communities to family units to individuals. It’s society wide. We could take any one of these things physical, mental, and spiritual and talk of the degeneration of it in our modern world. Entire books have been written about each of those subjects and more. What I want to do here is give a broad outline of why this is happening and more importantly what you can do about it.

You can be healthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually in a world that is anything but. But also understand this may make you hated and disliked in this world as well. But to be healthy around unhealthy people will do that. Like being sane among the ranks of the insane. So understand that doing the right thing for yourself can lead to hatred and dislike. Humanity is a bucket of crabs constantly trying to tear the high down to their level so that no one rises.

Decay & Order

I’ve talked a lot about the primal/cosmic order lately as I think it’s one of the most important topics that there is and describes so much of what’s going on in our world today. The primal/cosmic order is the order that was set up so that things can go well and thrive. Strength of weakness, wisdom over foolishness, goodness over baseness, beauty over ugliness, and so on and so forth. Granted you have the be careful with your definition of the above because they can be switched and hijacked but nature and the cosmos have shown to above to be true.

All around us we’re in a state of rapid decay. Humanity has an infection of sorts and goes against the primal/cosmic order and seeks to subvert it. However man is not high enough to do this, he cannot change the primal/cosmic order, only break himself against it. Man sees himself as a god and sees himself as the ultimate being, which ironically he sees himself as at his most base form. Humanity is in its luciferian stage yet is no Lucifer.

Hence we have the decay, rot, and destruction that we see around us. Man’s rebellion against the things that were put in place to help him and man’s rebellion against the primal/cosmic order which is greater than him and beyond him. Many mythologies warn against this and have laid out the consequences when this happens. However man in his blindness ignores this and fashions ideologies that promote him as the god that he’ll never be. But that’s discussion that is beyond this. This is simply the reason for the decay that you see around you. Though it manifests in many different ways.

Holding Yourself Apart

So how do you not end up like the majority of man in this age in time? How do you become more? How do you avoid the decay and become healthy and strong in all facets of your life and your being? Truth be told that’s not something I know completely or even if I did something that I could realistically describe in a few choice paragraphs. But I’ll do my best to give an accurate overview. First off understand that there is a primal/cosmic order that there is a way that the world and universe works.

And that the various ideologies of man do nothing to change this. There is reality and it isn’t going to change for you or anyone else. No matter how fervently or wholeheartedly you believe your delusions. Reality doesn’t change it just is. So how does one achieve healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually? Well the first thing I’d say is go against what you see the masses doing. Pretty much good advice no matter what you want to be successful in. The road to success in anything, including health, is a narrow one and one most will never walk.

Look at what the mainstream advice for anything is. Physical health, mental health, and spiritual health and then realize that while there may be some truths in there they’ll be buried in many lies as well. The mainstream isn’t the path to health of any sort. I’m not saying don’t use a doctor or anything like that just saying you have to do your own research for true health. A doctor isn’t going to provide you with all you need to be healthy physically. Nor a teacher mentally or a church spiritually. You have to seek and find these things on your own. Though those people/functions can all help.

Walking Against The Masses

People are sheep. Most people never think a thought in their life they rely on what they’re told mixed with base survival instincts. There are many who leads these people this way and that for their own ends. Don’t be part of the game. You don’t have to become a pied piper but you don’t want to be a sheep other. Learn, listen, and put things together. Official sources never tell you the full story, sometimes they don’t tell you anything close to the truth.

You have to walk against the masses and forge your own path. This isn’t some cheesy saying designed to be cool to adolescents its an actuality that you have to do. You have to walk your own way. Which is hard work and requires you to constantly be thinking about what’s going on around you and how everything works. And thinking is some of the hardest work in the world, which is why so few engage in it. Think about things and seek the truth. Then work hard and work smart at it. That’s the only way.

Charles Sledge