How To Fight Back Against The Rot You See Around You

Man was not born to be passive. To quote a great fiction series “I was not born to watch the world grow dim, life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men.” We weren’t meant to passively sit by and let things happen to us. We weren’t created to let the enemy win, to “just take it”, to let bygones by bygones, whatever the hell that means. Unfortunately many look at this and think that violence is the only solution. However with the hydra they face violence is the least effective thing to kill it.

And the hydra knows this and promotes violence as being the solution to it, but it’s not. Sure every great power structure has its time when it’s wiped away by violence but that’s after it’s already been defeated at its core by other methods. So like I said we were not meant to sit by and see every good thing destroyed and corrupted before our eyes. We were not meant to watch the rot grow and just sit by watching as more and more succumbs to it each and every day.

There are actions that one can take and that one can do to fight back against the rot and form a small healthy place, at least for one’s own. There are things that can be done and no, violence is not one of them. Like I said before only morons and FBI agents try to incite violence against structures like the one we have now. But that doesn’t mean that Babylon can’t be fought back against and can’t be checked at least somewhat. Viruses develop antibodies. No idea if that’s accurate technically but for our discussion purposes it’s an apt analogy. So let’s get started.

Don’t Get Caught Up In False Dichotomies

The first thing is don’t get caught in the false dichotomies that are presented to you. The power structure you generally presents you with two choices, two choices that they control and that both work in their favor and generally against yours. Couple of examples militant cops against violent criminals, both are against you and would destroy you and yours if desired. Don’t get me wrong there are many great police officers who are good officers and people as well as there are those that have been charged with things that are decent people, I know this better than most.

But I think you know what I mean here. Another is left vs. right. Both left and right are controlled by the same system/people and beholden to them. For example in America if you hate Trump with a passion or you think he’s the second coming, you’re being misled either way. Trump like all American presidents (and most world leaders) is a controlled puppet, nothing and nothing less. Neither side is for you or will present any real progress. Don’t fight for that, that isn’t for you. These false dichotomies are also presented to keep real solutions from being discussed.

They keep people chained and from seeing the truth. It goes beyond left vs right and all of that too. I’m not saying third parties are any better or any less controlled or anything like that. The rot runs further and farther than one would think. What I’m getting at is don’t get caught up in false dichotomies. Don’t think oh I don’t like A therefore I should like B. A and B might both be poison to you. You have to think and come to things independently. Which takes effort and thought, two things most people fear deeply.

Fighting Back Against The Rot

So then what can one do? Well quite a lot, actually. I’ve said before that the culture war, and that’s what this is, is won with art and that’s the biggest thing that one can do. Promote or produce art that makes a difference. Art that shines a light on the darkness and reveals it for what it is. With self-publishing that has been “easier” than ever. At least the production standpoint, good, poignant art is always hard to produce and takes effort. Never underestimate the impact that a novel, YouTube channel, or podcast can have. Even, or especially, if it’s banned and fought against.

But there’s more than that. By increasing your own understanding of what’s going on around you, you can point out errors in others. Not in a “Haha you’re stupid and wrong and here’s why.” but rather in a “loving” way. Ask them questions and let them come to their own conclusions. Jesus was very good at this as were many other religious leaders. Led them, not by the neck, but gently along until they see the truth for themselves. Angry talking heads don’t convince people, they just preach to the choir.

Another thing is to live as an example. Let people see the rightness of your life by the fruit that is bears. When they look at you and think “Hey you’re healthy/have a happy family/kids are doing well/marriage is doing well/are wise/keep getting this beneficial result” and so on and so forth people are going to wonder why. And there are many other options I’d like to cover more at some point. But here you have three to get you started.

Reclaiming The Earth

I’ve been surprised in my lifetime how opinion and thought can change, sometimes quickly. I know there are things beyond my power or understanding that are at work in the world. I don’t necessarily mean good and evil or supernatural beings but just the machinations of how things work, of course who knows, I don’t think humans are the end all be all of existence either. My point being don’t be surprised at the good that can be worked. Don’t get caught up in false things, go endlessly towards the truth and what is right.

Not necessarily in a “moral” sense, that word has unfortunately been corrupted to mean whatever a certain group wants you to do. But in a true and right sense. In the sense that lines up with the cosmic/primal order and things that are far beyond us. This war will be won with souls and minds, sure eventually things are cleared away by hand but that’s usually after they’ve already fallen and that’s a far way off. Violence isn’t the solution to this. Understand human nature, understand the world around you, understand what is right and true and you’ll go very far and do much good.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge