Your Ancestors Are Watching

One of the most powerful things that you can do is connect with your blood and your ancestors. Wise societies have always had ancestral connection as a focus for good reason. Today we’re told that connecting with the old and ancient blood of our forefathers is wrong, evil, and against the modern religion of individualism and atomization. We are told this is wrong to prevent us from accessing great power and becoming something more that soulless automatons for corporations and governments. We are told that anything other than becoming atomized cogs of a machine (individualists is the polite word) is evil, bad, something only an outlaw would do.

A divorce from the past and the power of the blood that has gone back from time immemorial is one of the main reasons that we have the abomination called the modern world today. It’s the reason we see so much weakness. Whereas in times before males had the weight of their ancestors and legends of their people as well as the gods looking down on them with an iron gaze moving even the weak to greatness and the great to legend. This has been replaced with do whatever feels right as long as it’s approved by your corporate and government overloads. No long does pride, honor, and strength rule the day but rather capital and the deluded manipulated minds of whatever the masses have been told to hold up.

A Shameful Age

Unfortunately the word shame is usually associated with over moralized schoolmarms instead of superior warriors driving one another to greatness. We all had that annoying teacher that tried to snip out any trace of masculinity within us “You should be ashamed Johnny, how dare you twitch during my 2 hour lecture on how evil men are” or her equivalent that can be found in most churches and unfortunately anymore homes. But this is not what I mean by a shameful age. I do not mean the slave morality version of shame but rather the traditional tribal warrior cult meaning of shame.

Where instead of being shamed for not cutting off your balls and bowing before the powers that be you were instead shamed for showing weakness and acting like a coward. For taking actions that no strong man would take. If you want to know what these may be look at whatever our modern society holds up as good and that’ll give you a good idea. Things that any man would be ashamed of are promoted as being good. Weakness in all of its various forms is held up as the golden standard from all sides of the isles. By all modern creeds, ideologies, and everything else.

They Watch You

The gods are watching, your ancestors are watching, and what you do on the earth will echo in eternity. Every time you take a shameful action whether that’s backing down when you should stand up, watching porn or smoking weed instead of hitting the weights or bag, every time you tolerate the intolerable, every time you allow weakness to take root and snuff out strength you are not only bringing shame upon yourself and your tribe but your entire bloodline and all those that came from before you. All those that struggled and fought against the trials of this world and prevailed.

They see you. They watch you. They see everything that you do. They await in the next world with the Pater God (Odin, Crom, Yahweh, take your pick) to take stock of your actions in this world. Will your coming into the next world bring pride and honor upon them and yourself for your might and prowess or will they turn their heads in shame and weep at your weakness while the Pater God casts you from his sight? The modern world and it’s ruler seeks to corrupt and destroy all that is good. We live in an age where the weakness most pathetic specimens are being developed. But because of this, this is also the age that the greatest heroes shall rise out of. Which will you be?

Get Off Your Knees

And take some pride in yourself, your tribe, and your heritage. Be the shining example that will cause your bloodline ten generations hence to look back and think “I can’t let him down, not a legend like that” and even you think that this will never be possible for you then let it inspire you to be the greatest you can be. By chasing perfection or the highest level we can attain excellence. Connect with the blood that flows back to the beginning of time. Remember that the iron age gives way to the age of heroes. You have a golden opportunity to be the heroes of this age, don’t let it pass you by.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge