Review Of Jack Donovan’s A More Complete Beast

So if you’ve read my work for any length of time you know that I am a big fan of Jack Donovan. Can’t say I agree with everything he says but that could literally be said about anyone including myself a year ago. And though I have recommended all of Jack’s works this is the first one that I’ve actually reviewed. A More Complete Beast is meant in many ways to be a continuation of the thoughts that Jack outlined in The Way Of Men and Becoming A Barbarian (both recommend reads) as well as synthesizing much of Nietzsche’s “philosophy” with Jack’s own creating a potent combination. Again I can’t say I agree with every little thing in this book but as with the rest of Jack’s work it’s a great read that I recommend to most men.

The main focuses of this book are master morality as well as becoming what Jack calls a “noble beast” something that probably doesn’t mean a whole lot to you right now but after the completion of the book will represent a complete and powerful idea. The book is short and succinct and can be read quickly (though I’d recommend taking it a bit slower and letting the concepts digest). You don’t have to have read The Way Of Men or Becoming A Barbarain to understand A More Complete Beast but I would recommend doing so anyways. But with that out of the way let’s get into what makes A More Complete Beast a recommended read.

A More Complete Beast

Jack starts off with describing what the concept of “A More Complete Beast” is and what it entails for men who want to become one. He talks about how in today’s world masculinity is “unnecessary” for the average man. Something that I don’t agree with but understand where he’s coming from. Meaning that in order to survive in today’s world a man doesn’t need to be strong, virile, masculine, or anything of that sort. Which is true. In order to survive (key word) you don’t need to be masculine in today’s world. It takes a man of a certain spirit, a man born with the thunder in his heart to walk against this tide and become a man when all is telling him to do otherwise.

In today’s world a man must choose masculinity as opposed to it being thrust upon him like the majority of times in the past. A man must answer the call to masculinity. Jack also takes some time to make some social commentary as well as trace the deeper meaning of words like virtue (virtus) and what they truly meant. Etymology brings new meaning to words and the concepts that they represent, especially with the cheapening of words that goes on today. This chapter is more a prelude to what is being discussed towards the end of the book.

The Trap Of Ressentiment

This is a very important and timely chapter. In it Jack talks about “ressentiment” where one is animated by hatred of another and spends their time complaining, hating, and focusing on others instead of the development of themselves. This is something that is plain as day in most alternative political circles as well as the “man”osphere and such. Where self-development and becoming the strongest version of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually is replaced by hating others and whining about others. A very dangerous trap that poisons the ones who fall into it and here’s why.

Jack states “Among men who are inclined to see the world as being upside down, there are those who succumb to the trap of ressentiment. They either remain quietly stymied and frustrated – dreaming of some future righting of the world, or they set about actively blaming and scapegoating others for the sad state of things”. They get caught up in this and become weaker and more bitter the longer they stay in this trap. This is not the way of the “noble beast” and this is not the way of men who wish to squeeze everything out of this life and existence. The first step to avoid this trap is to be aware of it, next is to focus on becoming instead of hating.

The Noble Beast

Man is meant to become something. His time should be spent in being and becoming more. I’m not going to go too much into or spoil it but the majority of the rest of the book is about becoming this noble beast. A physical avatar of a man who is “favored by the gods” and representative of the “knight-aristocratic morality”. A physical representation of the “aristocratic equation” which is “good = noble = mighty = beautiful = happy = loved by the gods” from Nietzsche. This means increasing one’s strength and discharging that strength into the world. Someone who lives with fire and strength flowing through them. Who loves challenge and the fight. Who seeks to become more in every part of his life and existence.

This is man in his natural state acting as designed. This starts with believing that one is noble but then more than anything else acting on that. Fight, run, read, and drink in the depths of existence. You can’t just think yourself into being a noble being you must take action and become one. The noble beast moves forward with the “conquering eye” the eye of a predator facing forward on the next challenge and the next victory. Not getting caught up too much in the past or the future. Planning ahead for the future and learning from the past yet living in the present moment. You must be motivated by love for yourself, your tribe, and all that is good, not by hatred and ressentiment.

The Fifth Virtue

In The Way Of Men Jack outlined the four tactical virtues of men as follows Strength, Courage, Mastery, and Honor. The development of these virtues is what makes one good at being a man (which is different from being a good man). But to make the transition to the “noble beast” that this book is focused on there is one more masculine virtue that is required (and this is just as much a uniquely masculine virtue as the others) and that virtue is creativity. The chapter dealing with this aspect of masculinity was my favorite and something that makes perfect sense. Man uses his mind to create a vision and this actions to bring that vision into being. Man is not just created but must also become a creator to become the “noble beast”.

In this chapter Jack talks about the “primal” and “God-like” natures of man and how they balance one another and must both be used to bring about full development. He talks about Tyr and Odin, Apollo and Dionysus, and much more. Creativity is often overlooked in favor of other things but it is the key that takes Strength, Honor, Mastery, and Courage and brings them to their full development turning man into the “noble beast”. It is through creativity that man has hope for he can not only recreate himself but recreate a new world. In many ways creativity is the path to break free or avoid completely the trap of ressentiment and become a more complete beast.

A More Complete Beast

If you’re a fan of Jack Donovan’s other works then you’ll want to pick up this book and even if you’re not or haven’t read any of the others A More Complete Beast is still a great read. It says many things that need to be said and shows men a way forward past and away from the trap of ressentiment and hatred. It shows men how to become “noble beasts” who are representing the best of who and what they are. The way forward is created through right thought but more importantly right action. And no thought does not automatically lead to action as you’ve been told and I once thought.

So if you’re ready to become the “noble beasts” of creation then be sure to pick up your copy of A More Complete Beast today!

Charles Sledge