3 Things Every Man Should Be Doing

While there are many differences between men and what they need to do to live the life that they want there are some things that are going to be the same. So while the happily married guy with a beautiful wife and strong children may do things differently then the single guy looking to expand his business and harem at the same time, there are things that they both need to be doing to get the most out of life and live a life that they will see as successful. Another thing I should mention is that these two men have more in common than either might want to admit.

In order to succeed both need to be masculine and work on developing themselves to their full ability. Those are just two examples that leaped to mind and that are talked about a lot, maybe you’re somewhere different but as long as you’re a man who’s wanting to get the most out of life then this will apply to you. Doesn’t matter your age, geographic location, heritage, or anything else. To get the most out of life you should make each of the three things a daily part of your life.

First Thing Every Man Should Be Doing – Expanding His Mind

You should always refine your thinking and seek out new thought, ideas, and experiments. Read books, try new things, travel places, have new experiences. Learn, adapt, and become stronger for it. Say you don’t have money for travel (not that travel is necessarily needed if you’re experiencing a lot, plenty of yuppies travel everywhere and never before better for it) then read books and seek out adventure where you’re at. I know guys that grew up in small towns they never left and have lived more life than the soulless yuppie bugman who speaks seven languages and been to every continent.

Don’t let the infected cosmopolitan idea of being a “world traveler” or “open minded” deter you from this, this is not at all what I mean by it. I mean this in the old sense, to become wise through knowledge and experience. It can happen in your own backyard if you work at it. Read books, live life, try new things. This idea has been co-opted by soulless creatures, reclaim it for men. Constantly refine your mind and thinking. Become wise not “open minded” which is a fancy word for having no convictions and being a weak sap to be used by those in power. Seek wisdom through knowledge and experience.

Second Thing Every Man Should Be Doing – Training For Warfare

You’ll probably never experience warfare or have the need to in your life but that doesn’t matter. It’s still part of being a man and you’ll never feel fulfilled without it. There are many ways to do this and you should make use of all of them. From training with weights to strengthen the body and make it more imposing to training in a martial art to heading to the range and becoming proficient with your firearm to learning basic survival skills and more. Man was created to thrive and survive in a violent, primal, tribal environment. When he lacks the function to do so not only does he know on a deep level but so do all the men and women around him.

You must not only make sharp the mind but also make savage the body. So do the above. Train in the gym for an imposing figure and strength. Perform a martial art or combat sport of some type to be able to make use of that strength and size. Study the basics of survival so you could at least survive a week in the woods. Learn the basics of shooting and become proficient with a firearm if possible. Don’t be weak and don’t be an easy target. Become someone who is hard to kill whether by beast, nature, or man. This is after all a primary function of being a man.

Third Thing Every Man Should Be Doing – Building A Tribe & Forging Connections

A lone wolf is a dead and easily exploitable wolf. Drop the lone rebel against the world childish nonsense and find a group of like minded men to bond with. A lone rebel against the world is a adolescent fantasy, a group of rebels against the world is how healthy strong societies are founded. You must find those that share somewhat of your spirit even if it has yet to be developed in them. Reach out to them, invest in them, and build strong bonds with those around you in the real physical world. Train with them, work with them, become strong and powerful with them.

Start to make connections with those around you, even if they aren’t going to be part of your tribe. In your community, when you travel, through business, online, and anywhere and everywhere else that you can. This doesn’t mean you have be smarmy salesman always plastering a fake smile on your face, just means reach out and make connections where and when you can with who you can with those who are worthy and valuable. Another way you should be reaching out is by strengthening others, especially those in your tribe. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, never forget this.

Do These Things & Live A Full Life

So obviously these three things aren’t everything your particular situation is going to merit you doing more depending on what it is. But these are things that must be developed by all men regardless of who they are and what their life situation is. Ignore any of them at your own peril. Any weakness you have will eventually come back to bite you regardless if you think it will or not. Life can change rapidly when you’re not prepared. And not to mention doing all of these things gives you the best quality of life you can have.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge