Why So Many Porn Users Have Trouble With Women

So there are obviously exceptions to this, just as there are exceptions to everything else. However just because there are exceptions not mean that you should try to be the exception or think that you are. Imagine going through life always thinking that you’re the exception you’ll never get anywhere. So again I’m talking about the vast majority of porn users, a growing group and one causing all sorts of issues for males.

In my coaching and consulting a great number of the males that I have worked with have been chronic users of internet pornography. It goes hand in hand with having trouble with women, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s crazy have after addressing this issue and that, that many males will still have issues but once the porn is addressed suddenly they are able to talk, converse, and express themselves to women which leads to relationships (whether that’s a one night stand, dating, or anything else.)

But what’s the “why” behind all of this. What is it about porn that can give so many males so much trouble? Why is internet porn different than say a Playboy or even a video from the local seedy sex shop? How come your dad was able to have a Hustler subscription and never have problem with girls and yet you or someone you know doesn’t even pay for it yet has all sorts of issues? It all has to do with the brain.

The Brain & You

So there are plenty of resources out there about porn’s effect on the brain and I don’t want to turn this into a science lecture but essentially porn messes up your brains wiring especially dopamine which functions as a neurotransmitter and is essentially responsible for motivation (again this is an overall basic grasp not a scientific discussion). Dopamine was meant to make you motivated for normal rewards such as eating, sex, and such that’d keep you alive.

But in modern society unfortunately dopamine can get artificially raised by things like porn, drugs, and even junk food. Overtime this can lead to dopamine becoming desensitized where normal things don’t even register to you. So for example a girl smiling at you as you walk by could get your attention and heart racing and motivate you to do something about it (like you know go talk to her) but over time with something like porn it could take two midgets and a donkey to do the same thing.

And here’s the thing you could have all the knowledge in the world, be in great shape, and a million other things but if your dopamine isn’t firing when you’re interacting with real women then you’re not going to be able to have relationships with them of pretty much any kind. So a lot of guys when they’re focused on “getting girls” they should instead be focused on developing themselves and if they heavily used porn or other artificial stimulus be focused on resensitizing their dopamine pathways and rebalancing their brain. Then things would fall into place naturally (it’s hard to fuck up nature, yet we’ve done a wonderful job of it especially in the last few decades.)

The Solution

So I talked about this a little before but essentially it’s very similar to replacing bad habits with good habits as resensitizing your dopamine pathways (you get the idea even if I’m using the exact terminology wrong…nerds :)) and rebalancing your brain. Which requires living healthily which is essentially living primally which is living the way you were always created and designed to live that we fucked up along the way.

Do things like socialize, laugh, run, jump, lift, fight, read, write, create, learn, be silent, sleep, strive, breath deep, get sun, and get into nature. For the vast majority of human history that previous list would be a “duh” but we’re running into a whole host of issues because it no longer is. And the motivation to meet and date, sleep with, or whatever with women is not something any male should be having trouble with…ever.

Not to mention that there are a shit ton of other benefits to having a brain that is functioning properly. You’ll be more “yourself”, daily things in life will be better, you’ll have more drive and motivation, and so on and so forth. I know the red pill types are split on porn but let me clear this up once and for all. Porn isn’t doing you or anyone else any good. Your brain and dopamine pathways are important things that it pays to not fuck up.

Get Off The Porn

And get on with life. Alright that was a bit cheesy and cringe worthy but seriously with porn gone I think that probably 80% of the “masculine self-improvement” sites would dry up because there wouldn’t be a market for them. Which even if that cut into my paycheck (what little it is) would be a great thing.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge