How To Kill Your Neediness With Women (Stoic Bachelor)

This is a guest post from the Stoic Bachelor who runs the site The Bachelor Blueprint where he writes about being a man, becoming attractive to women, and living a bachelor’s life full of freedom. You can follow him on Twitter at The Bachelor Blueprint. In this article he writes about 4 ways in which men can help kill their neediness with women. Enjoy.

Whether your aim is to seduce multiple women or focus on finding one to raise children with, you must avoid neediness at all costs.

Being too eager for a girl is repulsive to her. It goes against nature and as we’ll find out, it should be her who is eager to keep hold of you.

There are 4 reasons why male neediness, or ‘thirst’, is at an all time high and we’ll examine each one below…

1. Men Are In A Sexual Frenzy

Rampant porn consumption and the use of ‘sex’ in advertising has turned many men into horny, desperate creatures, akin to drug addicts.

So when they interact with women, they become very pushy and expectant. They lose all patience for the seduction dance and want it now.

One of the things women admire in men is self control (because she has little of it) therefore it’s  wise to remain cool, calm and collected.

Also be sure to date multiple women at once and only drop back down to one girl when you want to knock her up. Multiple leads kills neediness.

Remember that you don’t NEED to get laid, you WANT to get laid. Do not allow outside forces to take advantage of your desires.

2. They Lack A Mission

Do not build a girl up in your mind to be your ‘soul mate’ and then seek hours of her attention daily. She’ll be left thinking “Hasn’t this guy got something more important to attend to?”

Many men make women their mission. If they don’t have a girl, everything becomes about getting one. If they do have a girl, they make her the centre of their world.

You are complete on your own and she is complementary to your already great life. She is your sidekick.

She should be nagging you for your time because you’re so preoccupied with conquest and achievement. 

It may seem as though she really wants you to stop whatever you’re doing and spend more time with her, but she’ll sense if you’re doing it just to comply with her. 

This is one of many ‘shit tests’ that she will throw at you.

Subconsciously, she is trying to work out if you’re easily manipulated and distracted by pussy. The more you give in to her demands, the sooner the relationship will end.

3. They Watch Too Much Of The News

By consuming content manufactured by the lying press, you’ll grow to think that the world is a dark place with limited opportunities.

This scarcity mindset will rub off on all aspects of your life, until you’re left clinging onto to a bad relationship to avoid having to look for another girl/s. Even though there are millions of other girls to choose from.

In addition to having a scarcity mindset, you’ll buy into the idea that sexual harassment and oppressed women are everywhere, making you think you should behave like a good dog boy for women.

Fear and doubt will cause you to behave irrationally. Remember, the sky is not falling and she will not cheat on you if you are the best she can get.

Hollywood productions don’t help either. For some reason, movie producers and directors want to show us the shy, timid nerd, eventually winning the heart of the hottest girl in school. 

You may say “calm down, it’s only a movie” but movies have the power to shape culture and behaviour. Many young men receive their ‘nice guy’ programming from entertainment, making them needy and in turn, celibate.

4. Men Don’t Realise That They Are The Prize

Beautiful women develop a huge fan base of ‘thirsty’ males, who they have zero respect for.

This is because women, especially the hot ones, are extremely insecure.

She knows she’s hot, but she also knows that her looks were god given, and one day they will fade.

Because of this, she can’t respect a man who throws his dignity, his mission and his freedom out the window just to get a piece of her.

Put her at 3rd or 4th place in your life and she will be infinitely happier. 

Here’s a great analogy you must internalise…

“Men are born at the bottom of the mountain and must see how far they can climb. Women are born at the top of the mountain and must see how little they descend.”

It’s also worth noting that women should be the ones rushing to get a mate, as their biological clocks are ticking much faster.

By a woman’s late 20’s, if she hasn’t locked down her ideal man, she is going to have to make do with a lesser man. One who will tolerate her baggage and rapidly declining looks.

If you improve and then maintain yourself well, you will be able to ‘settle down’ with a broody 24 year old, as a man in his 40’s. There is no need to be needy.

What Have You Taken From All Of This?

Hopefully by now you understand that it is not natural for a man to feel needy and desperate, in any situation.

You need to approach seduction, or anything for that matter, with a cool and clear mind.


  • Turn off the pornos and take your hand off your dick.
  • Do something interesting with your life and treat girls like optional sidekicks.
  • Turn off the TV. All news is fake news to some degree.
  • Stop acting like you have the ‘shelf life’ of a female.

Thanks for reading.

Charles Sledge