Just Be Chad, Bro

Another old post found in archives that was unpublished. So remedied that and went ahead and published it. Enjoy.

A lot of ink has been spilled on the whole how to get girls thing, including by me. However when it’s really boiled down it comes down to some pretty basic things and no learning what the average person calls “game” isn’t one of them (though if you consider game an understanding of sexual dynamics like I do then yes it is a core tenet). As a matter of fact I think that the vast majority of guys who are trying to learn “game” (meaning spam approaching hundreds of girls and wondering why few of them want them) would be better off completely ignoring “game”and instead focusing on self-development.

The guys who focus most on “getting girls” are unfortunately generally the guys who have no business focusing on “getting girls” but instead have a lot of other more important work that needs to be done (and would get them more girls anyways). Instead of “learning game” most guys would be much better served by “just being chad” or developing themselves into one. The fact of the matter is spam approaching is bottom tier shit. Sure if you do it enough you’ll bag some scags but if you’re good looking you’ll soon find there’s a much better way to go about things. Not saying don’t approach at all of course just you know the whole spam approaching thing I’m not a fan of.

You Come First

So a couple of things that you should have down pat before focusing on just “getting girls” (you’ll soon find there are far more rewarding things and that the girls will come as a side effect, never forget that women always have been and always will be spoils for better or for worse). Some of these things are aesthetics, aka getting in shape. Looking good will serve you well in life, it’s pretty much a superpower (like reading books is). Hit the gym, read Arnold’s Encyclopedia Of Body Building if you want (will serve you 100x more than Starting Strength), and get plenty of protein and carbs (can’t get big without carbs).

At the same time get your mental and spiritual wellbeing in check. Focus on developing yourself mentally by reading non fiction books that expand your mind and becoming more confident in yourself through accomplishment. Learn about money and the basics of getting more of it (copywriting, sales, marketing). Focus on yourself first, instead of thirsting like crazy and focusing only on “getting women”. Women are a side effect of other things, when they’re made the focus you just make things harder on yourself. Don’t supplicate and put others before yourself, hold your frame and be “dominant” (pretty much just summed up game in a sentence).

Build It & They Will Come

This doesn’t work with a business but it does work with women. If you really can’t hold yourself back then at least prequalify. Instead of chasing after every girl like a moron gague their interest before doing so. Smile and make eye contact, simple, but works wonders. If she smiles and makes eye contact back (or really anything other than turns away and frowns) then go talk to her. But number one focus should be on being a man (really all “being chad” is, just we lost this knowledge somewhere along the in this failed abortion called the modern world). Workout, get some tats (for your tribe not to get girls) or get a tan, dress like a man, don’t supplicate, and you’re solid.

Seriously that’s all there is to it. When you get all of this down you could walk up to a pretty girl at the bar crossed eyed and pretty much say “Me have penis…yes?” and she’ll respond with “OMG that’s so interesting tell me more, also here’s my room key”. Me and my buddies have literally pretended to be mentally handicapped and picked up girls with it. Does this make us awful human beings? Most likely yes but it also proves a point. Get this shit down and the whole “game/PUA/mentally and socially retarded” nonsense will go out the window.

Stop trying to put the cart before the horse it just doesn’t work.

Horse Before Cart, Not Vice Versa

And if you say Charles I’m nowhere near that and I need girls now. Well tough shit, yeah you could spam approach 1000 girls and get one to go to bed with you (while 10 file a restraining order) or you could stop focusing on getting girls (seems to be a lot of guys problem who aren’t having success with girls) and instead focus on becoming the man that girls want to be with. Look women have been programmed since the dawn of time to open their legs for superior seed and close them for inferior seed. Instead of trying to trick one girl into thinking you’re superior seed (after the other 999 knew you weren’t) it’s easier to actually be superior seed.

Overall you’ll put in less work, working on yourself and “being chad”. Remember women are spoils and a side effect. Look if you’re already have all your bases covered and are in a new city and want to go out and collect a bunch of numbers of whatever, then have at it. But if you’re out of shape, weak, wimpy, and socially awkward then you have other more important things to take care off before focusing on “getting girls”. All the game in the world won’t help you without having these bases covered first and foremost. Again don’t try to put the cart before the horse.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge