Why I Think Every Man Should Train “Martial Arts” & It Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With Self-Defense

If you want to protect yourself, get a gun. A gun will beat any style of martial art any day of the week. And in addition to carrying legally read up on the laws of your state and even more be sure to practice awareness and avoidance (and have a dynamite lawyer on call). Those two (well three) things there will keep you out of more trouble than anything else ever can or will.

But even with all of that said I think every man can and would benefit from training real martial arts (like with actually hitting none of that mystical bullshit that gets people beat up) but weirdly it doesn’t have much to do with the end result of being able to handle yourself in a fight. To me personally being able to do so is important and there is certainly a link between being able to crack a man’s jaw and how much confidence you have in yourself. But even if that’s not you I still think you should train in a “martial art” and here’s why.

Unnatural Living Leads To Unnatural Problems

I’ve talked before how many of the problems that we have and that are talked about stem from unnatural ways of living. When you look at things like depression, weakness, not attracting women, low testosterone, obesity, and so on and so forth they all pretty much stem from unnatural ways of living. After all we have males crammed in a classroom designed to break these male’s spirit and turn them either into slaves or females (something that continues when they enter the workplace).

We have a media that is hostile to all forms of masculinity, most males do not get much exercise, they do not have brotherly bonds (and often not even fatherly bonds, being “raised” by a mother), they do not fight, hunt, have good fucks, or a chance to demonstrate and express their manly essence or strength. And because of this they begin to wither away and die. Masculinity like a muscle will atrophy if it is not used and allowed to be expressed.

Blood & Brotherhood

And so many of these males focus on branch problems as opposed to root problems. They focus on their depression so they pop medication and have a feminized psychiatrist spout bullshit at them and tell them they just need to “talk about it” (this doesn’t work for men). Or maybe they focus on their low self-confidence so they spout affirmations and the mirror and read a bunch of self-help books. Or maybe they’re worried about women not being attracted to them so they try to fix it with “game” or some other bandage not realizing these are all branches of the root problem of atrophied masculinity.

It’s funny when I’ve talked to men who have brotherhood and strength things like game, self-help, affirmations, and the like all seem hilarious to them. After all why would they need any of those when they already have the utmost confidence in themselves, are drowning in pussy, and doing what they will with their lives and their strength? Now granted such men are getting rarer and rarer to find but the point remains.

Now where “martial arts” comes in. Martial arts does some very potent things for men living in the anti-masculine world of modernity. One it allowed the discharging of strength and the expression of the fighting spirit, literally not figuratively. And then there’s brotherhood. Now a martial arts gym is no replacement for family but it’s a start for those that don’t have it. Men fighting against each other in a controlled environment bonds them much closer than things like team sports or other activities. To spill each others blood together is a powerful thing.

My Two Cents

Does this mean every man HAS to do martial arts? No, of course not. But I think it goes a long way to striking at the root of many male’s problems in the modern world. Far more than your typical applications do. And especially for those that suffer from atrophied masculinity (where problems with women, mood, and confidence among others mostly stem from) it’s a must. Most cultures have had a martial tradition that was passed down from generation to generation.

This marital tradition was about much more than simply being able to fight (alright that is quite a nice side benefit) it was about the forging of men, strength, and brotherhood. Also by martial arts I mean (and even prefer) things like boxing, MMA, wrestling, BJJ, and the like as opposed to more traditional stuff. Again just my two cents on the subject. How you expect boys to turn out alright if they’re never allowed to express their masculinity? Right now martial arts is one of the few remaining ways they can do so.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge