Why Every Man Should Try Muay Thai At Least Once (Darren Mitchell)

Darren Mitchell is a Muay Thai enthusiast and writer for the BestMuayThai blog. Darren has trained Muay Thai for several years at gyms all over the world alongside some world-renowned fighters and coaches. In this article he explains why every man should try Muay Thai at least once.

They say you don’t really know yourself until you’ve had to fight.

In combat, a man finds out who he really is – can he bravely defend himself, or will he give in to attack?

You can go through life never finding out who you really are, which is why I think every man should try Muay Thai at least once in his life.

In this article we’ll discuss other reasons why all men should try Muay Thai, from physical, mental and societal points of view.

It will whip you into shape

There are few workouts that have anywhere near the intensity of a Muay Thai class. Any sport performed at such high speed, requiring constant concentration and the use of all four limbs will push your physical conditioning to its extremes. You’ve got constant movement, co-ordination and instant decision-making going on.

Just look at the physiques of fighters for a glimpse of what it can do to a mans physique. When 99% of fighters look so good, it’s a clear indication that the one thing they have in common – Muay Thai, is responsible. Regular high intensity training will build a physique to be proud of.

It will boost your confidence 

There’s a couple of ways Muay Thai will boost your confidence. The first one is physically – if you’re training Muay Thai regularly, there’s a good chance that you’ll be in good shape. A fit, strong, lean man is naturally more confident than a man carrying excess weight.

Next up, there’s a confidence in knowing that if you needed to, you could look after yourself in a fight. This doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble, but if it came your way, you’re well prepared.

It will teach you to defend yourself

There can be plenty of occasions where you’ll need to defend yourself in life – often when you’ve done nothing to incite the violence yourself. Anyone who has ever been mugged or attacked in the street without expecting it, will let you know that.

In sports the same thing can happen – tempers can flare and you may find yourself in a position where you’ll need to act to protect yourself – this doesn’t mean that you will have to knock your football opponents out, but knowing how to fend them off without injury to yourself is something that Muay Thai can teach you.

And of course, nights out that involve alcohol consumption can sadly bring out the violent side in some people. Unfortunately, drunk people can become aggressive and you may be their chosen target. If you know Muay Thai, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that if anyone comes to cause trouble, you’re in a better position than most to come out on top.

It will grow your social circle 

There’s a respect and friendship that grows in martial arts schools. You all know what it feels like to have fought, to have trained hard and how to be disciplined, despite the physical and mental effort required to train and fight.

That’s a deeper level of friendship, plus you’re meeting new people with shared interests and values, which is always a great way to build lasting friendships.

Every man should try Muay Thai at least once. You’ll learn more about yourself in an hour than you would in 5 years of ‘normal’ life.

Charles Sledge