Use This Hack For Literally 10x Productivity (No Joke!)

It’s amazing how some things work like magic. I know we’ve all had something seemingly simple that we’ve applied in our lives and suddenly boom it’s like our entire lives have been changed. For example with body composition I remember once I started getting in my protein needs how my physique suddenly started to change right before my eyes.

Before it was something I knew was important but just made half hearted attempts at accomplishing. Some days I’d hit it, other days I would not. And then I’d wonder why my strength would go up, my volume would increase, and so on and so forth but I wasn’t really getting any better. What was going on? Well it turned out it was the protein.

A Magical Application

Sometimes doing a little “fine tuning” and making a little adjustment completely changes the end results. And here I’m going to show you something that has done this for me when it comes to productivity, doesn’t matter if it’s with business or just life in general. Following this and applying it to your life will result in you accomplishing far more than you have before.

And as we know the more that you accomplish the more you get done and the more you get done the more that you achieve and grow. Whenever you see someone suddenly start making gobs more money or flying by in areas that they used to sort of waddle through it’s generally because of an increase in productivity in that area. So what is my trick to skyrocketing productivity and getting 10x more accomplished than before?

The Faintest…

There’s an Chinese saying that states “The fainest ink is stronger than the strongest memory” or something like that. It means when you write things down you’re much more likely to remember them. That there’s power in writing. This has also been shown with people who hand write instructions or something else out compared to typing it out on a computer. When they hand write they remember the instructions much better than typing it out on the computer or simply hearing the instructions.

Which brings me to my hack to skyrocket your productivity and get way more accomplished with your life. And that is to write down what you want to accomplish each and every day. Now maybe you’re laughing or shaking your head saying (or thinking) ‘That’s it?” but there is tremendous power in this that you should not underestimate.

An Experiment

To prove this I want you to do something with me. For the next 30 days rain or shine I want you to write down what you want to accomplish the next day the night before and then cross those things off as you do them throughout the day. At the end of the month I want you to look back and tally up all you’ve accomplished and compare it with the months before.

How much difference was there? How much more have you got accomplished once you started writing everything down? My guess is that it’s probably going to be a hell of a lot more than 10x, you’ll probably be closer to 30 or 50x. Simple, but the key is you have to stick with it and actually do it. So for the next 30 days use this hack and see how much more you accomplish then be prepared to be shocked at the results.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge