Members Only Post #6 – The Women Question

Of all the many questions asked when it comes to men’s self-improvement I don’t think there’s any that are more frequently asked than how to be more attractive to the opposite aka “How do I get laid”/”get laid more”. As men aside from pure survival (food/water/shelter) there is not much that’s deeper than the desire for sex.

However I think that this represents a problem as I’ve written any male who makes his whole existence chasing women or trying to attract them is going to have the most problems getting women. It’s a bit of a catch 22. Instead a man who focuses on himself, his mission, and his development is going to (speaking frankly) have his choice of pussy and get “bored” with it quickly.

Not bored as in doesn’t want it but bored as in realizes there are much more important and worthy things to chase out there. I guess something similar could be said about money though money is obviously higher than pussy on a man’s hierarchy as the old saying goes “You’ll lose money chasing pussy but you’ll never lose pussy chasing money”.

Cart Before Horse

Many guys I talk with are obsessed with getting women and wondering why they don’t have success. They are desperate and all-consumed with it, greatly over valuing it. Not realizing that this is a huge reason why they don’t succeed. They’re trying to put the cart before the horse and then wondering why they’re not getting anywhere.

When I give them answers of getting their life right and investing in themselves most turn away wanting to hear some cheesy lines they can spew that will get them “instant 10’s” or they turn to the black pill and become whiny incels/MGTOWs. They don’t realize attracting many women into your life is a byproduct of being an attractive man. A byproduct.

Attraction is one area that I’d like to never write about again. I throw articles up here and now because they draw so much traffic but I can’t help but think that males searching for such things are already starting from the wrong point. When they don’t figure this out (that women are a byproduct and they try to put the cart before the horse) this often leads to some bad places (such as the black pill I talked about above).

Always Put Yourself First & Work On Yourself

It’s only when you start investing in yourself and putting in the work will you start to see the rewards and spoils. You’ve probably heard the saying your income won’t increase until your persona development does (or something along those lines) from guys like Jim Rohn or Dan Kennedy well it’s the same with women. The quality and quantity you attract increases with your self-development.

That’s just a fact. Women (like money) are a byproduct of other things. They’re spoils. So anyways I hope this is something that everyone can start understanding. As bad as I thought PUAs were I think the angry incel/MGTOW/black pill/whatever is an even worse direction and not healthy for anyone involved. You can have anything you want granted you’re willing to put in the work and sacrifice for it.

This site will always be for winners and not whiners. I’m not here to hold your hand, tell you it’s not your fault, and all that bullshit. I’m here to tell you the truth, nothing more and nothing less.

Because it’s only the truth that will set you free.

Charles Sledge