The Many Benefits Of A Clear & Focused Mind

Not to make too much of this word but what state of mind do you think of when you think of an alpha male? Is it one that is scared, worried, and timid? No, I’m guessing probably not. Or is it one that is full of rage, uncontrolled, and emotional? Again probably not what you had in mind. Sure maybe a little bit closer towards alpha then the timid and scared mind but still not what we’re looking for.

Let’s try something else. How about cool, calm, and collected, how does that sound? Pretty damn accurate right? And why is this? Why does cool, calm, and collected sound like “alpha” while the others do not? Because a man who’s mind is cool, calm, and collected is one who is in control who is in charge of the situation and his surroundings. A man who is has it all together. Who keeps his cool under fire.

Or as Kipling put it so many years ago “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…you’ll be a Man, my son.” I shortened the poem quite a bit but you get the gist. Having a clear and focused mind (one that is cool, calm, and collected) has many benefits that go beyond being more manly or “alpha”. It’s essential to so many facets of life.

What I Learned Getting Repeatedly Punched In The Face

What makes someone a good fighter? The number of visible tattoos they have obviously right? What? Not that? Hmm then maybe being like really tough and just having the ability to keep going no matter how many times you get hit, how about that? No, that might help a little but still not it? Okay what about being able to get like really hyped up and angry? What, not at all? Okay then what is it?

The ability to stay calm under fire you say? Hmm interesting. Something that I learned through getting punched in the face repeatedly years on end was that the better you could control your emotions (giving in neither to fear or anger) but staying centered and controlled the better I did when I’d fight or spar. The calmer my mind was the more relaxed my body was and the better I’d end up doing.

It seems counter intuitive but being relaxed is a key to being able to fight effectively and efficiently. And being able to do so under fire is a critical component to the highest levels of striking (and I would imagine grappling as well). When you’re calm and in control you see so much more (applies to many things beyond fighting) and therefore capitalize on so much more (again applies to more than just fighting). Just one more benefit of a calm and collected mind.

The Stress & Problem Solving Mind

You ever been stressed and angry about something but weren’t even sure what exactly the root cause was? If you lived in the modern world for more than a second I’m guessing this has happened to you at some point. Maybe it was a fight with a spouse or a problem at work or something else. You had these emotions but you weren’t entirely sure where they were stemming from and just got lost in them.

Sometimes this cycle continues for one’s entire life in one capacity or another. One never finding out what’s actually going on. When one takes the time to still one’s mind it’s amazing the things that suddenly start to make sense and the things that one realizes. A calm mind is a mind that can identify problems and lay out ways to solve them relieving a ton of stress in the process. A calm mind that experiences emotions without being controlled by them or lost in them.

A mind like this is able to much better deal with all of the things that life inevitably throws at you. Work problems, relational problems, life problems, and everything else. A cool, calm, and collected mind is going to be better able to process these things as well as have the right, proper, and most effective and efficient reaction to them. Or even if things go wrong to get back on track as quickly as possible.

Creating The Clear & Focused Mind

Now you might be thinking/saying to yourself “Charles this all sound great but how does one get this mind?” and the answer is buy my expensive Alpha Mind supplements (just kidding). No while there is no one answer and different people will have different struggles with this there are three powerful suggestions that I can offer.

The first and foremost is to spend some time meditating each day, even ten minutes can completely change your life. The second is to spend some time in nature, go for a walk at a park or down the street or something, just get out of the house/office and spend time in creation. The third would be physical activity there is something about getting lose in physical activity that clears the mind.

Those three things will give you a great head start and get you headed in the right direction. Meditate, get outside in nature, do physical activity. Not rocket science but things that are often neglected in today’s day and age. These things work wonders for having a calm and collected mind as well as a great many other things. Try them out, make them a habit, and you’ll reap the rewards.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge