The Top 7 Miracle Foods That’ll Completely Change Your Life Mentally, Physically, & Maybe Even Spiritually

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

Modern males have a lot of problems, problems that have popped up only recently and seem to be getting worse and worse by the day. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Testosterone levels, the thing that makes a man, a man, are going down. Mental problems are on the rise, so is suicide. Depression is at an all time high. The modern dating and mating game would make you great grandfather’s head spin.

Economic woes, plastics and other estrogenic materials in the water we drink, cramped living, basic food becoming poisoned, the cost of living go up and up and up while wages stay the same, and about a million other things. Granted not all of these are unique to the modern world but much of them haven’t been seen for some time.

I run a coaching business through this site and see clients from all different walks of life and ages. From a man in his sixties working on retirement to a boy of twenty wondering if college is worth it or not. And many commonalities run through these individuals problems.

Many struggle with the things mentioned above. Especially hormonal and mental health. Two things that affect literally every other area of your life. Without these things you’ll never get other key areas of your life right. You’ll have a hard time getting money right without proper motivation and focus, two things that take place in your brain.

You’ll never have the relations with women that you want, you’ll never feel like you’re being your “true” self or living up to your potential and much more. When we look at health is the basis of everything. Of the three key areas in life.

Health, wealth, and relationships.

Health is the foundation upon which the others largely rest. So many of us try to go about chasing the second two without first getting health right or at least paying the right amount of attention to it. Which is like trying to get across the road without first learning to walk.

And by health I don’t mean having a six pack or being able to jog a mile. Rather I mean full health mentally, physically, and spiritually. So yes, part of that will be having lower levels of bodyfat and a decent cardiovascular health but it goes far beyond that.

And the basis of health, whether physically, mental, or perhaps even spiritual is diet. I don’t mean diet as in bodybuilder, carnivore, keto, paleo, or whatever else but rather the foods that you eat and the quality of those foods.

What I want to do here is lay out seven of the most micronutrient dense foods that also cover a wide range of different things. So they’ll help you with not just looking good and performing good athletically but also give you keys for proper mental and even spiritual health.

So let’s get started.

Miracle Food #1- Liver

I’ve talked a lot about liver before but it bears mentioning. Liver is the single most nutrient dense food in existence. If you choose to add only one food on this list then choose liver. I usually like to make it with butter and some Himalayan pink salt but do whatever works for you. It has tons of vitamin A, all the B vitamins, best source of folic acid, and is all easily absorbed by your body. I prefer beef liver but chicken, lamb, etc can all work.

Miracle Food #2 – Whole Eggs

Eggs are nature’s multivitamin not to mention they have plenty of cholesterol which is essentially for brain functioning as well as the production of sex hormones. Make sure you’re eating the whole egg and not throwing away the best part, the yolk. Have these for breakfast, dinner, as a snack, before you go to bed. Whenever, just be sure to get eggs in. You want the one’s with more orange yolks from chickens raised right, the yellow yolked thin shelled eggs at the store have far less nutritional value.

Miracle Food #3- Fermented Foods

Traditionally fermented foods are needed in one’s diet to help with gut health, digestion, and probiotics. The probiotics that come in pill form do little to nothing for you. Same with synthetic vitamins in a pill or multivitamin. You want the real stuff to get real results. Kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, Greek yogurt, and much more are all ideas for helping to get in more fermented foods. Alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, and liquor do not count or do you any good, they are rotten toxins.

Miracle Food #4 – Raw Honey

There are many health benefits to raw honey from helping with allergies to supplying you with much needed antioxidants and more. Honey is something that you find pretty much all over the world. I’d suggest shopping locally and getting the honey as fresh as you possible can. It doesn’t expire so you can stock up for winter if needed. I try to have a teaspoon a day, I usually put it on Greek yogurt I have for dessert, but do what works for you.

Miracle Food #5 – Bones, Ligaments, & Joints

So let explain. No I’m not saying you should go and gnaw on a bone or knuckle like a dog. Rather using stocks and soups to get the nutrients out of these things. So many people have strong muscles but weak joints and part of this is because they do not ingest the things needed to strengthen the joints and ligaments. Namely the joints and ligaments of animals. You’ll want stocks and broth. Which means simmering some things like chicken feet for a couple hours or other things like cow femur bones for a day or so. Find a recipe that works for you and get them all in.

Miracle Food #6 – Real Salt

When I talk about salt I’m not talking about table salt, I’m talking about Himalyan pink salt or Celtic sea salt. Real salt. Getting adequate sodium from healthy sources is essentially to everything from brain functioning to hydration. You don’t need to consume a lot, just season your food with it or add some pinches to your water can do wonders for everything from thinking straight to going a couple extra rounds in the gym.

Miracle Food #7 – Raw Milk

Now this one is tricky to recommend. For me personally I have found much benefit from it. However you should always follow the laws of your land and do as they ask. So while this may not be for everyone for me it has been great. If not raw milk then I’d suggest finding a raw food that’s safe and available in your area. Most traditional cuisines have at least one raw dish and there’s certain health benefits you can only get from eating something raw. So look around and see what you find.

Food As The Basis For Everything Else

It may seem strange to think as something of eating as the basis for success in life but that’s what I’ve seen proven again and again. Not that you can’t have success eating bad, of course you can. You’re just working against yourself instead of with yourself. You’re paddling upstream instead of using downstream to get where you want to go. If you’re not sure where to start with changing your life and becoming all that you can be then start here.

You won’t regret it.

Thanks so much for reading. If you’re interested in what I’ve said here I’d recommend checking out my books on amazon or the Ultimate Alpha Collection in the corner.

Thanks again.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge