The 7 Best Foods To Increase Testosterone Levels In Men (Beard Base)

Anthony Walker is founder and editor in chief at Beard Base. You will often find him rocking out a different beard style, and searching for new, improved tips and tricks for facial hair maintenance. Anthony also gives vent to his creativity by writing illuminating articles on the subject, striving to share his knowledge and reveal the simplest, yet the most effective ways for grooming your facial hair. I should also note that I don’t agree with all the recommendations here (low fat milk or fortified cereals) but don’t like censoring guest posts either. So enjoy.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is responsible for promoting hair growth and other things like sperm production and muscle production. However, as you age, testosterone production is lowered. It can also be lowered by chronic illness but consuming a well-balanced diet can help to increase the production of testosterone and complementing your diet with vitamins can help increase the growth of your beard. This article outlines the best foods that can help to increase testosterone levels in your body. 

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #1 – Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is good for boosting testosterone levels in your body since it is rich in vitamin D. The yolk of the egg contains more nutrients than the white part. If you have no other cholesterol issues, you can eat at least one egg per day and it will help boost your testosterone levels. 

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #2 – Milk With Low Fat

Milk with low fat is another great source of vitamin D that can help keep your testosterone levels high. Milk is also good for keeping men’s bones strong since it contains high levels of calcium and proteins. 

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #3 – Fish

Fish is the other source of vitamin D which is linked to testosterone production and longer life. Fish is rich in proteins and low in calories and this is good for production of testosterone. There are different types of fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines that are rich in vitamin D that you should include in your diet. You should remember to moderate your diet so that you can minimize the intake of mercury that is found in seafood. 

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #4 – Fortified Cereals

Fortified cereals can be another best source of testosterone. Certain brands of cereals are fortified with vitamin D and these can significantly improve the levels of testosterone in your body. You can begin your day by eating cereals since these are also good for your overall health.  

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #5 – Oysters

Zinc is good for health especially during the puberty stage. This particular nutrient helps keep male hormones at the desired levels. If you have zinc deficiencies, you can consider including oysters in your diet since they are good for boosting your testosterone levels.

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #6 – Beef  

There are many benefits of eating beef particularly the liver, which consists of a high source of vitamin D. Beef also contains high levels of zinc which is good for increasing the level of testosterone in your body. However, you should regulate your consumption of beef since it can impact your health. For instance, you can choose beef portions without too much fat since it is not good for your health. 

Best Food To Increase Testosterone Levels #7 – Beans

Beans also consist of zinc and vitamin D and these nutrients are good for increasing the levels of testosterone in your body. Plant-based proteins are also good for the health of your heart. 

If you are concerned about growing a thicker beard, you can consider different types of foods that can increase testosterone levels. The primary advantage of consuming a balanced diet is that it is good for your overall health. A good diet is good since other types of medications prescribed for boosting testosterone can cause side effects on the body. 

Charles Sledge