Members Only Post #71 – Becoming A Modern Patriarch

Patriarch is a word that has all sorts of negative connotations in our modern world (which is a good sign that is probably has a lot of power for good). We’re told that all sorts of ills in society stem from “patriarchy” and therefore it’s safe enough to conclude that a patriarch is not something that you’d want to be, at least according to the modern world and our modern system of values. However there is a lot of power to this word and it’s something worth studying.

So first off what is a patriarch, is it actually a bad thing, and why do they fear this word so? I guess it’s best to start with a definition. The first definition from the dictionary is “the male head of a family or tribe” alright so it’s a man that’s head of his family or tribe. So why does this word bring up so many ire from the modern world? Why is it considered such an evil sin by modern standards? What’s going on here?

First off understand that throughout time there certainly have been abuses by “patriarchs” and therefore “patriarchy” simply because those that are patriarchs are also human and humans are not perfect or perfectible. And therefore with any ideology that involves human involvement there will be instances where things didn’t line up like they were supposed to. Some kings were bad, some tribal leaders bad, and so on and so forth. We like to pretend that this doesn’t happen in our “enlightened” era but it does more than ever.

Who Fears The Patriarch?

Alright so there have been some abuses by patriarchs is the past but can’t the same be said of teachers, preachers, government officials (gasp!), and the like? So why aren’t they vilified and hated? Why do they get a free pass when these “patriarchs” do not? Has government, religion, and school systems never caused any pain or misled anyone through the short span of human history? What? It has? Then what’s going on here? Why the free pass for others?

It’s no conspiracy to say that those in power like to stay in power and it’s also not a stretch to say that those in power like to expand their power. It’s simply human nature and those in power are in fact human (at least on some level we can talk the whole Satan, prince of this world another day). So naturally when we have mass concentrated networks of power like we do today (again not a conspiracy simple human nature combined with technology) it’d make sense that these people would do whatever they could to keep that power.

So what naturally stands against the whims of those in power? It is atomized individuals reveling in their various freedumbs? Is it a guy who’s sole life pursuit is chasing bar girls and complaining how there’s no good women left? Is it the politically correct religious fellow who adopts kids from all the right places and believes only those parts of the religion that are still palpable to modern sensibilities? Is it the woman sacrificing her womb to a multinational corporation?

No all these and more fit with the program and fall in life. It’s the guy who has children and raises them the way that is best FOR THEM and not for those in power. There’s the threat. It could be the redneck raising his children in the “old ways”. It could be homsteading homeschooler mentioned before. It could be the “aware” man revealing truth to his offspring.

Becoming The Patriarch

But with all of that said how does one become a modern patriarch? What goes into it? Well like anything else in life that’s worthwhile it’s something that is multi-faceted and takes time, effort, and sacrifice. The first thing is finding and wife and having children, obvious and something humans have done since they’ve been humans but something the modern world fights against with all its power. Between the destruction of relation between the sexes (not the mention the value and worth of the sexes themselves) and the rise of infertility from modernity (chemicals, lifestyles, etc.) the modern world is set up to prevent this very thing from happening.

So starting out it’s not going to be easy. I have a site filled with information to make your path “easier” (well clearer is the better term) and to get started. Then it’s about raising your children in a way that is proper and good (whole cosmic/primal order here). Teach them right from wrong, left from right. Raise them to strong and wise (and have character) so that they can do the most for the goods things in this world and your blood. Teach them how to go against the current and to not be swept along by it. Teach them strength, teach them wisdom, and teach them true goodness.

That’s the fear they have and that’s why they hate the patriarch because the patriarch threatens the order, threatens their power, and threatens their control. The world may dry up and all good chased away from it but as long as they stay in power they’ll be happy. However that’s not what’s best for everyone else and it’s the patriarch that can change that. It’s your choice what you do with your life but more and more it seems this is the natural path for a man to take.

Charles Sledge