Superior Knowledge Is No Guarantee Of Victory

Knowledge is useless without action. So many get caught up in philosophies, ideologies, and intellectual constructs without actually doing the important thing which is putting in the work. Obviously I’m not saying being smart and learning shit isn’t important I talk about it all the time and talk about how mindlessly taking action won’t get you very far. But at the same time if your deeds aren’t matching your words (or thoughts) then you have a problem that needs to be addressed. It happens to all of us we allow ourselves to get comfortable and soften up a little.

But that doesn’t make it any less dangerous. There is a seductive power in knowledge telling you that “Hey you have superior knowledge therefore you don’t have to work as hard as others” which simply isn’t true. Sure once you start putting in the work you’ll usually fly by the others but at the same time you do have to actually put in the work. There are some areas in my life that I’ve allowed to stagnate for this very reason and it’s not right, so this essay is just as much a call out to myself as it is to you.

Superior Knowledge Is Useless Without Action

Again superior knowledge is something to look after and be desired but without action it’s useless. I’ve talked about this before but I feel it needs restating. For example you could literally know more than Arnold about body building but if you don’t push yourself in the gym and put in the work day in and day out the dude doing the freaking planet fatness workout is going to have you beat. Superior knowledge in many ways is like talent, a lot of guys with talents (or real smarts) feel they can afford to slack.

But in this world no one can afford to slack. Maybe there are no threats to you know but there will be later but if you wait until later it’ll be too late to address them. For example I’ll use business. I know a lot about direct response marketing and copywriting and I’m pretty good about applying what I know. However I know lately I’ve been slacking a little bit and coasting simply because I know I can. I haven’t done a direct mail campaign in a month and know that I should to increase my income or at the very least keep it where it is. Superior knowledge is no excuse not to execute.

Comfort Is Extremely Dangerous

Many guys with talent end up nowhere because their talent gives them a false sense of confidence and comfort. Same with powerful rulers, until one day the barbarians you once conquered are pillaging the throne room. Superior knowledge can be deadly in this way as well. Comfort is the enemy and the downfall of more great men than anyone will ever know. Never allow yourself to get completely comfortable. Not in your marriage/dating life, not in your business, not in your fitness, not in your combat, not in your self-development, never get too comfortable in anything.

Because once you get comfortable is when the wolves head towards the door. Don’t be a LARPer someone who knows everything in theory but has put nothing to the test. Acquire superior knowledge then use that superior knowledge to take superior action that will transform you into a superior man, does that make sense? Inferior knowledge combined with inferior action beats superior knowledge with no or half-hearted action any day of the week. Just like the old saying hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Of course when talent works hard, all bets are off. Superior knowledge is pretty much talent in many areas of life.


Don’t get comfortable, don’t look at superior knowledge or talent as permission to rest of your laurels. You must always be moving forward, always advancing, always attacking, always improving, and always keeping your eyes open and your head out of your ass. Comfort will destroy you, it has destroy men better than both you and me and we are no exceptions. I’m not saying you can’t take a moment to be happy just that remember that you’re always in the ring in this life. And that superior knowledge is useless without superior action. Always have your talk (and thought) match your walk.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge