An Alpha Male Mindset That Is Irresistibly Attractive (Your Alpha Dude)

This is a guest post from Ariel Vagus of a site dedicated to self-development and getting the most out of life. You can also follow him on Twitter. In this article Vagus talks about developing the mindset of an alpha male and what that mindset is. Enjoy.

I have heard a lot of people talk about mindset and what’s attractive, what’s not. Why we should always think positive, and think of ourselves as some big shit, even though we’re barely making a living in this world. Why negative people suck, and they suck the energy out of our lives, etc ..etc.. I have heard a lot of this dipshit and I started to think, what’s actually the right mindset, a mindset where a person could actually achieve success by adopting it.  

Why some people are so hugely successful and why most are barely able to live? Why’s there such a huge divide? And the answer that hit my mind the most was all the successful people have a learner’s mindset while the unsuccessful ones adapt either of the two very harmful mindsets, which we’ll discuss in next section.

The Superior v/s The Victim

There are two kinds of mentality generally which a lot of unsuccessful people choose to adopt, that is the superiority mentality and the victim mentality. In the victim mentality, you think that you suck, you can’t do shit, you lack what it takes to get shit done, while on the other end of the spectrum are the over-confident shit heads who think that they can get anything done without actually thinking too much about what they’re getting themselves into. These guys live in a delusion which is not good for themselves or their lives.

The best way to tackle both of these negative mindsets is letting go. Let go of who you are and what you can do or have been doing till this date. There’s always room for improvement no matter how good or bad you are. Always go into something with a blank slate. A learner’s mentality. That’s the mentality which is going to get you all the shit in the world that you want and have a desire for. Never accept yourself as a finished product or as somebody who’s broken and can’t do anything and is hopelessly living. Have a beginner’s mind.  Be ecstatic about everything.

The Beginner’s Mind

No matter who you are, how much you have achieved never, ever settle. There’s always something unexplored that you can go for. Always be open minded to each and every experience. A very important quality about developing a beginner’s mind is that it let’s go off your ego. You no longer feel entitled to anything, and you’re only into things just for the sake of learning and growing. This person is filled with humility where growth is the only goal of his life.  And if you’re not good at things fine, get help. Ask. Ask and it shall be given to you.

If you have a problem, good. Amazing. Everybody has some. And do you know what the successful, actually superior people do with their problems? They think of it with humility, and find answers to those problems. See, it’s that simple. They teach themselves stuff. They grow by learning, and then fix their shit.

Don’t run from problems by thinking of yourself as a victim, nor think of yourself as somebody just above the process, above everyone else and yiu don’t need to solve anything, you don’t need to learn anything. Both mindsets are harmful. So, go into doing something with an open mind, where learning is the only priority. Open yourself to the limitless possibilities of this world.

You can start doing exactly that by reading this article.

Charles Sledge