Should You Start A Family? And The Preparation Needed If You Do.

So let me start by saying that there is no way that I can completely answer this question for you without knowing you well and your particular life situation and even then only you can truly decide if this is the right decisions for you. However I think overall most men would benefit from working to start and have a large healthy family. It goes against what poisonous ideologies want, probably because it’s one of the most natural things in the world.

Now maybe you’re wondering why you should start a family? After all there’s a lot of horrors in today’s world. Think of how bad and crazy things are, multiply that by ten, and that’s how bad things will likely be when your kid turns 18, and that’s if you had him/her this year. Maybe multiply by a greater factor if you live in Western nations and an even greater factor if you live in the United States, United Kingdom, France, or Germany.

Raising a family is a daunting task, a daunting task that most are unprepared and ill-equipped for. And because of this raising a family is far more grueling that it needs to be for a great number of people. But even when everything is “working right” does not mean that it’s easy. It’s a hard, arduous, demanding task. So why would you do it?

Legacy, Biology, Fruitfulness

Having children is essentially a man’s only path to immortality. To see your ways, thoughts, heart, and blood go on into the next cycle of time and forever more. It gives a man a grounding sense of purpose, sharpens and steadies him, and he can give of himself to something that will bear fruit in time. There are many reasons that a man would want a family and don’t think anything is wrong with you if you do.

Chasing prostitute after prostitute will not fulfill you, neither will making X amount of money. Man is more than primal drives and materialistic means. I know the modern world, including things like the manosphere will tell you this is wrong but it isn’t. Man is also a spirit, also a mind, also a great many other things. Furthering your blood gives you legacy and more. But again it’s ultimately up to you if you want a family or not.

You’ll know deep down if this is the right path for you or not. My job isn’t so much to convince you of anything, though I do share my own experience with wasting my own time. But rather if you already identify this drive within you, to help you cultivate it and understand it. So if you don’t want to have a family then you really don’t need to read this, at least not right now, things may change. If you do then keep on.

The Many Threats Of The World

Understand that the world, especially the Western world, does not want you to have a healthy and happy family. They do literally everything in their vast power to destroy healthy and happy families. They’ve done a good job of it in the West and now they’re trying to do it to the rest of the world. Understand that it’s a challenge. The days of letting the kids essentially raise themselves are over, not that they ever really worked in the first place.

You have to be alert and aware, you have to savvy and you have to be strong. If you want to have a family, understand some of the following. The preliminary work would be having a good source of income and finding a woman who would make a decent wife. Both hard tasks that are only getting harder. I’ve written about finding a decent wife as well as the best jobs to make money before so would recommend you check those articles out.

But that’s just the start. You have to look at what makes for strong healthy families and what makes for weak ones. One clue to this would be what does the mainstream recommend for raising a family? Then do the opposite. But again that’s just a start and you can’t just define yourself in opposition to something. You have to do your own research and come to your own understanding as well.

Skills You’re Going To Need

First and foremost, like with everything else in life, you’re going to need to be a man. A family does not function properly without a strong man at the center of it. I know most of us come from homes that didn’t have this and can understand the importance of it. You must know how to relate too and take care of your wife and children as well. If you let your wife make decisions and run you around it’ll only be a matter of time before she sick of you and the family misguided.

And so on and so forth. You must also look to how your children will be raised. How will they not be corrupted and destroyed by the modern world as so many are? What do you have in place for that? Are you just going to send them off to school and let teachers and the TV raise your children? That was a horrible idea in the 60’s, it’s essentially child abuse now, at least in the true sense of the definition.

Do you need to move? Collapsing countries like the United States might be a bad idea to start a family in. Or at least certain parts of it. Again, a lot of this I’ve covered before but it bears repeating. Where you live matters. Don’t move somewhere “for the weather” or because “I grew up here” or anything else. Live someplace because it is conducive to your goals. Which again, like just about everything else in life, required money.

A Hard, But Worthy, Task

None of this is easy. It’s harder to have a happy, strong, healthy, and functioning family than it is to start and run a successful business or any of the many other goals men distract themselves with. Nor am I saying family is the only option. Some men are going to feel they need to do different things and that’s fine, but it’s also fine to want to start and raise a family as well. It isn’t easy but it is worthwhile.

Just start thinking about everything you’re going to need going in. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, ten pounds these days.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge