Members Only Post #124 – How To Adapt To Change

As the old saying goes the only constant is change and we live in a rapidly changing world. In times of great change many people get left behind clinging to old ways of thinking and doing things (usually that aren’t that old) and end up screwed because of it. What I want to do with this article is talk about some of these things so that you don’t end the screwed person.

As we’ve talked about many a time on this site the Western world is changing and changing rapidly. Some people says its good, some people says it bad, but very few people say it isn’t happening. When we look at what values are held up as good, what people think about dating, living, and culture is changing. Essentially across the board every facet of society is rapidly changing.

And old ways of thinking can, sometimes literally, get you killed. I think people fail to realize in the Western world we’ve lived in a sheltered bubble for lack of a better term for a long time. Maybe not a sheltered bubble but things were build up so good that we took for granted that things don’t automatically happen that way. Regardless things are changing, the tide is coming in (or is it going out?), and people are left wondering just what the hell happened.

Let’s talk about adapting to these changes.

Adapting To The Dating Landscape

I thought once of writing a piece called “The 1950’s Mindset Will Get You Killed In The Modern World” and a lot of this is kind of based off that. Regardless things are changing and changing rapidly, let’s take a look at dating. Now let me first say that I disagree with a lot of what MGTOW, men’s rights activists, and the like say. I think they’re ridiculous and bitter and a good many other things. At least the current forms of those movements.

However I also understand how they came about. The whole “be a nice guy with a good job” might have been an okay way to get a wife in the 1950’s or at least wouldn’t have gotten you seriously screwed over where as now that’s a recipe for disaster. Essentially it makes you a mark. Women are dangerous and becoming more so day by day. You have to really watch who (or what) you get involved with.

You have to become an expert in a whole host of mental disorders and red flags, while there are still decent girls out there, they’re becoming rarer and rarer to find. It’s easier to have a 100+ “notch count” than it is to find a girl who’d make a good wife. And that’s the truth. You have to be careful how much “kindness” you give to someone because it could be seen as weakness and make you a target to get taken advantage of.

Adapting To The Living Landscape

With that being said similar changes have taken place in living spaces. You may be one of those people that says “I don’t see color/race/differences in people.” and that’ll make a cute little saying on your grave. What I mean by this is that 50 years ago people of different cultures, religions, races, and political stripes may have all coexisted somewhat together and been fine. That is rapidly changing today. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.

You don’t want to be the minority (in anything) if shit hits the fan. You might think you’re “special” but trust me you’re not. If you live in an area that is majority different from you then I’d suggest finding another place to live. Things are heating up around the world and you don’t want to be in a place where you’re of another tribe when things go down. Even if things don’t go down you’re still a target.

And all what veneer of “civilization” stars to rub off more and more being a target will become a liability. You have to drop the nonsense Western ideas about reality that every political party subscribes too and take a good hard look at reality. Humans don’t like each other, especially when there’s differences. I’ve lived in places where I was the minority and where I was the majority and let me say it’s literally a world of difference.

Adapting To The Money Landscape

The richest keep getting richer and taking more of the wealth for themselves. I’m by no means a communist or socialist but at the same time I see problems with where we’re headed as well. It’s becoming harder and harder to have a “normal” middle class lifestyle. This isn’t the 50’s where you can raise 10 kids flipping burgers, not that you could necessarily do that then. The price of things go up and the wages stay the same year to year and this isn’t going to change.

The whole “Work hard and stick to a company.” that got you a gold watch and nice retirement in the 50’s is long gone. You have be mercenary, use your company like the whore it is. Get what you can from it then leave it on the side of the road when you’ve gotten all you can from it. Loyalty is punished. You can’t just be good at your job, hard working, or loyal. You have to know how to sell, how to persuade, how to deceive as well. You have to look at for yourself first and foremost.

It’s a mercenary business environment out there. Main street has become as bad as wall street. You need to watch out for yourself and have the skills to wheel and deal. I think sales is still the best training for success in the business world as it teaches you a lot about human nature and how things actually work, and gives you tool to leverage human nature for your own ends. Be careful out there and never for a moment think a company has your back.

Adapting To Progress

As you can see we’ve progressed a ton over the last 50 years. Who knows maybe in 50 more years we’ll progress to the point where only billionaires can afford the live in safe neighborhoods, being mugged will be a daily occurrence, and a girl can take half your stuff for sneezing in her direction. But seriously you need to be aware how things change and stop thinking these bullshit Western ideas about things have any correlation with reality. Because they don’t.

You need to pull your head out of the Western malaise and take a look around you at what’s happening and what reality is. People aren’t good or equal or any of those things. And the sooner you drop the idealized notions of how humanity works and get with the harsh reality, the better off that you’re going to be.

Charles Sledge