How To Build A Strong Community

I think most people underestimate the importance of community. For those who have lived around a close knit community, whether religious, family, or other related, there is something special about it. You draw a certain power from it that you do not get anywhere else. I have been talking with a few friends lately and we were talking about how it’s unnatural that we have families and friends spread out across so much territory today.

A father will live in Wales, a grandmother in London, one son in Germany, and another in the States. They may see each other once or twice a year depending. We talked about how in days past you were often around your family and extended family day in and day out. For many today’s setup might seem like the better option but I still there is much being missed.

Humans are tribal creatures, creatures of the pack. We don’t do good alone or in isolation. We were meant for each other and for company. Not just a “wolf pack” of the guys, not just a significant other, not just a wife and children. But a tribe. Men, women, and children of all ages. Living together and working towards similar things together.

That’s what a community, what a tribe is.

The Bedrock Of Tribal Strength & Health

The work on the father is completed in the son. There is nothing more important nor more powerful for communities, for societies, than fathers. Not just men, but fathers in particular or men who fill the father role. When the father weakens the tribe weakens, when the father strengthens then the tribe strengthens. It’s not that others don’t have important roles to play, they certainly do, but it’s the father that is the largest determiner of the health of things.

If you wanted to insidiously destroy a tribe the first thing you would do is go after the fathers. Turn the sons and wives against the fathers and then tell the fathers that weakness was strength. Slowly poison them until they were rotted and all their strength, taken. Then you could do whatever you will with the tribe. They would put up with the worst tyranny because the fathers would have been destroyed. Likewise strengthen the fathers and the tribe will stand the test of time, independent and strong.

Do The Opposite…

Our current society or at least the controllers, do not want us strong, nor do they want our families or communities strong. They want weakness at the individual and the communal level. We see this in what they recommend to us. Whether it’s eating soy is good and meat is bad. Whether it’s accepting the ridiculousness we see in our society around us. Whether it’s calling ugly beautiful or vice versa. They tell us what is best for them not what is best for us.

What I find more and more is that if you just do the opposite of the masses, of what’s recommended by the “higher ups” for the most part, things go right. I’m not saying be a fool and go against common sense or safety advice. But just do go down the normal road, don’t fit the mold so to speak. Don’t be an entrepreneur, there’s too much risk. Don’t eat eggs, the cholesterol is bad for you. Don’t marry or reproduce. Don’t go to the gym. Don’t read old books.

And so on and so forth. If you want to be a strong father then do the opposite of what the “higher ups” want you to do, within reason of course. Same with if you want to encourage strong fathers. Do the opposite of what the masses are doing and what is recommended by the powers that be and you’ll often end up right.


Something I think churches do a good job of is establishing men’s groups. Groups where men can get together and be with other men. Learn from one another, hold one another accountable, and grow with each other. Men often isolate themselves in the modern day and age, especially younger men. We were never meant to go through life as one individual without any deep connections. That’s unnatural living and with unnatural living come consequences. I know it can be hard to find but just about any group that brings men together, to work with one another and grow is a good thing, leading in the right direction.

It’s Not Rocket Science

But it’s hard. Strong fathers create strong communities, which leads to healthy communities. Learn to think for yourself, join together will others, and understand the goals behind forging a community. There’s great power in it, more power than anyone could ever attain on their own.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge