The Greatest “Supplement” Stack In The Entire World

According to IBISWorld the revenue of the supplement and vitamin industry was 39.4 billion in the United States alone. Taking things in pill or powder form is something that just about everyone is on today. And it makes sense, at least from a marketing standpoint. We all want to be healthy but we don’t have the time or money that it takes to become healthy, or at least that’s what we’re told.

So we resort to supplements, workout videos, and many other things to get the health that we so ardently desire. But like most big industries there’s a lot of good marketing and copywriting but less and less sustenance to back their claims up. What is made in a lab or synthesized and what is taken in its natural state are two very different things.

For example when studies showed that vitamin A was bad for new mothers, they used synthetic vitamin A. But when people consume real vitamin A from natural sources like liver, the story is very different. Weston A. Price has some stuff on this that is worth checking out.

Same can be said of most modern vitamins. For example a multi-vitamin can have little to no benefit for a person if all the vitamins and minerals are synthetic or not in their natural state. You won’t get much health benefits from them but you will give you expensive pee. Same can be said of “test boosters” and the like.

Pills in a lab may or may not have their uses at certain times but they cannot replace what nature can do.

My Supplement Stack

So you’re probably naturally wondering what supplements I take if I’m so against supplements in general, and here’s the thing. I don’t take supplements in pill or powder form. However there are certain things I take when I really want an extra boost. There’s three things I go to again and again and they’re all organ meats. Whenever I want to feel my best I’ll cook up a plate of generally beef/lamb liver, beef/lamb/goat testicles, and lamb brain.

Yes, you read that right. I’ll add this onto whatever normal meal I’m having or have it as a snack. I know to the average person this can seem gross so maybe start with something like liver and onions, that’s a little more tame, before moving up to testicles and brain. However I cannot recommend those three in combination enough. You’ll feel energized, mentally focused, virile, and just amazing in general. Even after all the health changes I’ve made and the good feelings I’ve had, this gives a boost like no other.

Granted that’s probably because I’m lacking something in one of the sources but given how nutrient dense those three things are, it’s no wonder that it makes me feel good and will do the same for you. Make sure you get from healthy sources of course and prepare correctly. I just cook all three up in a cast iron with butter or ghee and then throw some Celtic sea salt or Himalayan pink salt on the liver. Though the testicles and brain I think taste good left without any additions.

What To Expect

When eating anything new I always recommend starting small and going from there to see how your body reacts. However I recommend giving it a go as your body needs more than just muscles meats and veggies. It need organ meats, which are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. But as for what to expect. The testicles are, well, testicles. I think you get the general anatomy. There are many ways to prepare them. I just throw them on the cast iron and cut them as they cook because they’re hard to cut at first. The brain is very rich and fatty, its more of a glop than anything, but it’s also tasty. In a way it reminds me of the slow cooked fat from a good roast.

I’m a big believer in like affects/heals like. So brain helps you brain function, testicles your testicles, and liver your liver as well as body as a whole. Not that these are the only effects. I feel better all around personally. Do it for a few weeks, have this little “boost” three to four times a week and see how it feels. I usually do a few ounces of brain, quarter pound or so of liver, and one testicle. But I’ll switch it up adding and subtracting whatever as needed.

Expand Your Horizons And Be Better For It

So much of life comes down to health. Want to go far in business? Want to attract lots of dates? Want to live a happy and fulfilling life? It all starts with health and health starts with getting the things that you need from your diet. I don’t just mean having low body fat or “good readings” whatever that means. But where you actually feel your best. When you feel focused, virile, and full of life. Bursting with creativity, focus, energy, good feelings, and the rest.

Not all of the time of course but enough that it makes a difference. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. When it comes to getting your life together, I think starting with physical health is one of the best places to start because of the impact that it has on so many other things.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge