Have You Been Deprived Of Your Backbone?

I want to take a second to talk about bullying. Yes, that might sound a bit weird but bear with me. Let’s talk about some cold hard facts about bullying and how they have been dealt with. First off bullying is a current hot topic and like all current hot topics there’s more this then meets the eye. The world always has had and always will have bullies and this goes far beyond the school yard playground but into every facet of life.

From working a job, to regular relationships, to even how wars are fought and countries are governed. Bullies are everywhere and always will be because being a bully is part of unregulated human nature. Of course like all hot topics of the day horrible advice is given on the topic. Things like “violence never solves anything” or that you can talk your way through any problem and so on and so forth.

Measures designed to actually empower the bullies and bring more harm on the “victims”. Those that are bullied are given no healthy recourse so resort to extreme measures or unhealthy internalization among other things. Mostly from well being but horribly flawed and foolish advice. Bullies don’t go away because of your “conflict resolving skills” (a misnomer if I’ve ever heard one) they go away because you knock their front teeth down the back of their throat.

No Backbone = Free Reign For “Them”

That’s how you solve bullying, give kids backbone and the skills to put a bully down if needed. Sure always give them the option of backing down and “taking the high road” so to speak but we all know that without the threat of violence words and just empty air. How many people would listen to law enforcement officers if they didn’t bear clubs and guns and have the right to use them on you if you didn’t comply?

That’s right pretty much no one. It’s only because of the threat of violence hanging over their head that anyone listens to anyone. Might be sad but like most things that are sad it’s also true. Not to sound conspiratorial (civilizations have pretty much always worked like this) but those in power don’t want you to have a backbone. They’re bullies who want you to bend over and take (maybe while working on your “conflict resolution skills”) and pretty much want you to remain on your knees so you’ll never be a threat.

By removing the backbone from men you are free to do whatever the hell that you want to them. But not just them (but because men are the gatekeeper to cultures/tribes/civilizations) also to their culture, arts, cities, women, children, and more. That’s why schools, “experts”, psychologists, and other agents of the devil (just kidding…sort of) try to deprive young males of their backbones as soon as possible. Easier to neuter them young.

Finding Your Backbone

Of course that’s no way to go through life and the lack men with backbones in society is the source of so many problems. Not having a backbone is not only going to be a problem for you but also for those around you, quadruple this if you have a family. Men need backbones, despite what everything in the culture and society (the world) around you is telling you. You have to find and develop your backbone.

Figure out what is actually important to you, set standards for yourself and those around you (but especially for yourself), and then conform to those standards. Learn to say the most powerful word in the English language (it’s “No” for those that don’t know) and understand it’s perfectly okay to be not be okay with everything shoved down your throat. It’s okay to take a stand, have principles, and stand on your own two feet.

Going against the current takes backbone. Living the life that you want takes backbone. Simply having a life that you enjoy and want to live takes backbone. Having good things in your life takes backbone. Learn to stand straight, say no, and stick to your guns so to speak. You’ll get flack for it, understand that. But learn to let the flack not bother you. Whether it’s shame words, social disapproval, or whatever other means of control people/society will try to throw at you.

Living With Purpose

I’ve said this many different ways recently but to put it one more way the world and the culture that you live in is in desperate need of men with backbones. Men with principles who stick to their guns and refuse to back down. This may be bad news for those currently in control but it’s good for the world as a whole, society as a whole, and most importantly for you and yours as a whole (even if yours at the moment just constitutes yourself). Learn to develop a backbone it’s one of the most important things there is.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge