Members Only Post #70 – Homeschool & Homesteading

What causes “They” to tremble in their high towers? Is it independent “tough” women that don’t need no man selling their lives to corporations? No, not quite. What about men going their own way living in mom’s basement watching porn and swearing off women? Nope, again that’s going with the plan. No about the most “rebellious” thing that you could possibly do is have a healthy and happy self-sustaining family. Now that’s what causes them to sit up with shivers in the night.

But obviously that’s easier said than done. Much easier said than done. More and more as I write I get bored with the whole get random girls, get fit for the heck of it, and make money without anything greater motivating yourself. It’s a sterile and boring existence and those that do “succeed” at it soon find that there was nothing to truly succeed at in the first place. On the other hand I’m finding more and more that there are things worth living for and working towards.

And that there is hope to have a happy and healthy life in this world, in this modern Babylon. But it takes forethought, it takes balls, it takes wisdom and it takes strength and it takes perseverance. It’s not something that’s going to be handed to you and it’s not something that the weak will ever achieve. Homesteading and homeschooling popped into my head because they’re two things that I’ve been thinking about lately. And two things that I think it’d pay to think about.

Mormans > All Other Christians

Now what am I getting at here? If you’ve read my work for any length of time you know that I do believe in God even though I don’t necessarily subscribe to any religion. I think nature and the cosmic order give plenty of clues as to what and who God is. Awhile ago I wrote a post on how religion was greater than alternative ideologies and political parties. Religion is a strong impulse then things like the red pill or alternative lines of thinking. It has more power culturally and does more good.

While in a generation most red pillers will be sterile and extinct, Christians, Muslims, and many other religions people will keep reproducing. Their “ideologies” (or theology whatever you want to call it) bears fruit and survives through nature. Making it naturally (literally and figuratively) superior to lines of thinking like the red pill or alternative politics. But something else that was interesting to me is that in something like 100 years or so the majority of Christians in the West will likely be Morman.

And why is this? Because Mormons, unlike say Evangelicals have a culture attached to their theology. They’re the moonshine to the Evangelicals Smirnoff Ice. They live in a different culture than the mainstream (can’t be said of Evangelicals as a whole) and live a different life that’s in accordance with their religious beliefs. And because of this they grow and bear fruit. Something mainstream Christianity is failing to do and why it’ll likely go extinct sooner rather than later.

What Do This Have To Do With You?

Now you might be thinking. Okay good for them what the hell does that have to do with me? And I’ll tell you. I’m guessing you want to live a happy and fulfilled life. I’m guessing you want a happy and healthy family. A good wife, strong sons, virtuous daughters, and all of that. And this is about the hardest thing to accomplish today and that was by design. I’ve said before for many it could be easier to have a 100+ notch count (if that’s your thing) than to find a woman that would make a good wife.

It’s a challenge and one that can seem unrewarding for a long time. But such is life. My point with all of this is, see where that which you are following leads. Does it bear fruit? Does it produce a life worth living? Does it lead people in the direction that they want to go? Am I saying you have to become Mormon? Of course not, I just wanted to point something out. Am I saying you have to homeschool your kids and homestead? No, though I’d likely recommend both and am looking how to do these things myself in the near future.

The world is changing. Lines are being drawn and in many ways the “party” (though it wasn’t a fun one) is coming to a close. Again in many ways. It’s critical to think about where you’re going and what you want. Chasing girls in the city to get a dopamine shot with them? Making more money for the simple sake of making more money? Ego gratification over true fulfillment? I think the topics I’ve written about can form a good foundation of knowledge so that one can pursue a meaningful life but they don’t constitute a meaningful life in and of themselves.

And that’s something I intend to change. To write about topics that’ll uplift and lead you down the right path.

Charles Sledge