Devising & Building A School To Make Modern Masculine Men Of Excellence

Much of what I’m going to be laying out here is a thought experiment, however great value can be had from a thought experiment. Go through it and you’ll find insights that you’d be hard pressed to find otherwise. We did something similar too this with thinking about your ideal place to live, your ideal home. I don’t mean that in the HGTV sense, I don’t mean heated floors and a balcony or whatever it is people want in houses.

Rather I meant it as part of a community and culture. To find “your people” whatever that may be and get there while you still can. You can read all about that here. So in this thought experiment we’re going to look at what it’d take to forge a society of men who “had it together” to put it simply. To have a society of fulfilled and above average achieving men. What that would look like.

What the cultural foundation for that would be. What would be valued? What wouldn’t be? What would need to be taught? What activities would be encouraged? What would be banned? What would be loved? Honored? And so on and so forth. While doing a whole culture is beyond the scope of any one article I thought we could an education system.

The School Of Man Or What Does Man Need To Succeed?

In many ways this site is essentially a “school” for men. A school where men can learn all that they need to in order to have as much success as possible in life and live the best life possible. Laying out everything that man needs to succeed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about what if I knew everything I knew now or even just a chunk of it at an early age? What kind of difference would that make in my life? Well the compounding effect being what it is, the difference would be huge, if not exponential.

Then I thought what if there was a school that was designed to gives young males everything that they needed to succeed in life and go on to achieve all that they could want, granted that they continued to put in the work and not be foolish. What would give them the best chance of that? Obvious there’s not one single thing which is why we’re doing this mental exercise. What does a man need to succeed?

And by succeed I don’t just mean make money, though obviously that is going to be a big part of it. I mean also for a man to be fulfilled, to have the marriage and/or sex life that he wants, to be a good leader, to be strong and healthy physically, to have a mindset that works for him and not against him, to have a knowledge of politics, history, and life, to be able to fix things, survive on his own, and a whole lot more.

As we can see this list can get bigger and bigger the more we think about it. But what are the core things?

The Foundation Of A Man’s Success

I once thought of a painting that could represent all that a man needed to learn and understand in life, or not all that one needs to learn and understand because that is both limitless in a way and also specific. But rather what the best foundation for most men, most of the time would be. I think the categories that I laid out on the site provided a halfway decent framework to build from.

The categories are as follows.

Attraction (the dating/mating game), mindset, health, masculinity, survival, and wealth. At least those were the ones that I thought should be addressed. I think a halfway decent understanding of those things would give a man a giant leg up when he gets out into the real world.

Imagine if you had a school that had a rigorous education that taught you to think, something like the boy scouts but harsher and more advanced that taught you self-reliance and basic survival skills, that taught a basic trade you could go and work in, that taught you something like MMA where you developed courage, hard work, the ability to defend yourself, and confidence while also teaching you the importance of mindset and things like copywriting and sales.

Can you imagine the leg up that would give you, if you learned all of that in your teens?

It’d be mind blowing.

My Trivium

The “Trivium” in classical education refers to “the liberal arts of logic, grammar, and rhetoric” which are more all encompassing then they first seem as those words don’t match with their modern definitions. For example grammar doesn’t mean sentence structure and the like but rather facts of information. Pick up a book on classical education (Such as The Trivium) if you want to know the ins and outs of that. Essentially the trivium encompasses the three most important things for a pupil to learn to develop critical thinking skills.

So here I’m devising a school with my own trivium where the goal is to develop the most complete men possible, the renaissance man, the warrior poet as I like to call it. Speaking of which instead of “reclaim your freedom”, “developing modern renaissance men” was going to be the tagline for this site. Anyways my own trivium that would be taught in this hypothetical school to develop the maximum amount of “Warrior Poets” possible.

The trivium would be a classical education, MMA training, and a “trade” focus. So essentially all students would be required to do a rigorous classical education, participate in daily training MMA training like the schools in Dagestan, and then also have a career component that would be specialized but all would include sales and copywriting training.

That’d be my trivium, what would be yours?

What Does Your Ideal School Look Like? And What Does That Tell You?

I understand that wouldn’t cover everything. I think there should be a creative component in there, a mindset component, as well as things like wilderness survival but if I could only pick three I think that would give the best start, that would cover the most ground. Your school probably will be different than mine, which is fine. Just think about it and try to come up with one. By exploring all of this you have to really drill down to the bottom of what males need to succeed.

And being male yourself this will obvious help your own life. Anyways its something that I thought was an interesting thought experiment and really gets at the core of what it means to be a man, as well as how awful general education is, but that’s neither here nor there. Think about it and see what insights and conclusions you come to. You may just surprise yourself.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge