Aiding Your Brothers

How often are you there for those that need? Whether blood or brothers? Are you the guy that can always be called on and counted when you’re really and truly needed? Obviously not talking about being an enabler or a babysitter but something completely different. I’m talking about being a dependable brother, one that your brothers know will pull through when you’re really needed and can be relied on to stand by their side or help them out.

While it’s critical to address ourselves and work every day to be stronger and better at the same time, you must take time to help out those in need who are either your blood or your tribe. You see where people get this wrong is trying to help the world which just doesn’t make any sense. You see this a lot with soulless yuppies donating to causes like building wells in countries they’ll never see for people that don’t give a damn about them yet at the same time these yuppies haven’t talked to their brother or daughter in years in a meaningful way.

Protect & Watch After Your Own

And don’t give a damn about the suffering or destruction of others (unless it will one day affect you and yours). But anyways back to the topic at hand. I’ll use an example from my own life. I was having a busy day and remembered one of my buddies was putting in a fence (great fun) and even though I was busy and had plenty of shit to do I sent him a text asking him if he wanted any help with it. He hadn’t started on it yet but said he would let me know. Had he wanted my help I would have headed over there and helped him out (my job allows me this freedom).

I’ve done stuff like this all the time whether pulling up a sprinkler system (still not entirely sure what the point of that was), to replacing a roof, to laying concrete, to knocking down walls, to much more not expecting any payment, just to help my brothers or blood (though I do usually get a beer out of it). It’s more than just physical labor as well for example being there for female blood when they need it, getting younger blood out of some trouble he ran into, helping a brother get a job when he lost his. There are many ways to help and protect your own.

Can You Be Counted On

There’s a lot to be said for being someone that can be counted on when they’re needed. This doesn’t mean become martyr for your family or any nonsense like that. You must always be strong and not let anyone take advantage of you (whether blood, brothers, or outsiders) even if that isn’t their intention. This doesn’t mean sacrificing yourself for others and being one of those guys who can never say no. All of those things stem from weakness which you should have already addressed or be addressing. This is not about being a doormat.

This is about being there for a closely vetted group. Closely vetted group being the key word there. A closely vetted group that (because you are strong) you have no problem calling them out on their bullshit on should any arise. But for this closely vetted group you can be counted on to thrown down, help out, or anything else that need arise. I think you’re smart enough to get what I’m talking about here. Be there for your brothers when you’re needed and help them out.


Be a man who can be counted on for those that count. Help your blood and brothers through your actions without letting anyone ever take advantage of you. Be an example and reach out and spend time with those that mean something to you. Make your actions match your words and remember to take time (even when you’re busy) to help those that need it when they need it. Forge strong bonds of blood and brotherhood while working to be the strongest that you can possibly be.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge