It’s Not X, It’s You

In many ways many movements of both the red pill variation and right wing have become a place where losers can come for a pity party. These “men” aren’t concerned with bettering themselves or bettering their situation but rather to have their complaints and whining validated. They want to have their hair stroked like a little baby and be told “It’s all right, it’s not your fault.”. And because they claim the banner of red pill/right wing/whatever they feel that they will be protected from criticism and being called out on their weakness and bullshit.

Here I’m against all forms of weakness no matter if it’s red pill, right wing, or anything else. Weakness is weakness period. The victim mentality no matter what flag it flies under is toxic to the development of strength and masculinity. Sure things may be against you or harder for you than another (or not) but that just means you’ll have to be that much better and tougher. That’s how the world works. The strong survive and the weak do not. When you face challenge you must rise to it, no matter how great it is. Not curl up in the fetal position and cry like a bitch about the “unfairness” of it all. Life isn’t fair, get tough or shut up.

The First Step Is Admitting You Have A Problem

As all the 12 step programs say the first step is admitting you have a problem. When you aren’t getting what you want out of life and it’s something that happens repeatedly, the only person that you can honestly blame is yourself. No one cares about your struggles or weakness. Maybe that sucks to hear but it’s the truth and most likely (if this is your mindset) exactly what you need to hear. Most males don’t need to be told that it’s not their fault they need some tough love. It is your fault, everything that happens to you in your life once you’re not a babe anymore is your fault.

So man the fuck up and deal with it. How pathetic is it that some males would respond to the challenge of “man up” with “you’re serving the gynocentric imperative” or some other gay made up bullshit. Competing to be a victim is the most pathetic thing on earth and those who identify as victims deserve to be taken advantage of. The fact of the matter is that we’re all in the driver seat of our own lives and if our lives are not where we want them to be then it’s our own fault. Own up to it. Complaining, crying, and whining like a bitch never got a man anything.

It’s All Your Fault

So many guys end up with these victim mentalities because of stupid shit they did. In generally they were either weak/dumb/a combination of the two, got burned, and now instead of taking responsibility for being weak and/or stupid enough to be taken advantage of instead blame others. Weak fools get burned, welcome to the real world. It’s amusing that those in the masculine self-development community make fun of SJWs (the only group that is weak and pathetic enough for them to feel superior to, same with conservatives) because of their whining and complaining when they do the exact same thing.

What’s worse is that those that do not know better (because of lack of knowledge) follow along the bitter weak fools who were taken advantage of. For example when a male says “All women are evil sluts”, “marriage is a con/never works”, the truth of the matter is they should finish those sentences with if you’re a dumb/weak and/or a bitch. The weak and foolish getting taken advantage of, this is nothing new. Are there harsh realities about the world that most hide from? Absolutely, but we should look at these harsh realities and live in accordance with reality not victim mentalities. Not cry like a bitch about them.

Drop The Victim Mentality

Doesn’t matter what fancy word it goes by. MGTOW, red pill, alt-right, conservative, masculine self-improvement, or whatever the hell else. Weakness and foolishness are still weakness and foolishness. The strong and wise thrive while the weak and foolish do not. It’s as simple as that. Sure those buying into victim mentalities will just say I’m naive, or something else to face having to actually find their balls. But fuck em not everyone can be saved the weak seal their own fate. Do you want to be weak and hide in some victim ideology fit for pussies? Or do you want to be a man and take life by the horns and make it your bitch? The choice is yours but you know where I stand.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge