Might Makes Right: Tribalism Is Naturalism

Man was not made to be alone. As much as I praise independence and strength at the end of the day I know many was not made to live alone. That he was made to be part of something greater. That something greater being his tribe, his brotherhood, and his God. To serve a great purpose and bring health, wealth, and prosperity to those by your side. To be part of a tribe and to serve the tribe furthering it’s growth and development. This is man’s natural state. And it’s a state that man will always try to get to in some way, shape, or form.

We have sick substitutions created by the Great Babylon to try and numb us to our true calling for a tribe. Things like sports teams, political parties, and other affinities. While there is nothing wrong getting together with those that you share something in common with do not mistake it for a brotherhood or kinship. Which is a deep and primal need of man. We were not made to serve some global empire that cares nothing for us no more than we were made to serve some company that would not care if we died.

Divide & Conquer

People that are divided are easier to mislead and conquer. When you have brother against brother it’s easy to come in a wreck the family. The Great Babylon is a master of dividing people and keeping them from seeing the true enemy behind it all. We are told lies about the brotherhood of man while true brotherhood is mocked, ridiculed, and almost outlawed. Community is disgraced and trampled upon all for the sake of “progress”. Progress meaning destruction of all that is healthy and good in this world. When someone is connected with their tribe and their strength they become much more powerful than they are on their own.

However when people are alienated from their tribe and told that forming any type of tribal bond is evil they are ripe for the taking. They try to force themselves into unnatural bonds. They try to force loyalty to a faceless state that cares little, communities that are anything but, and corporations that treat them as replaceable cogs in the machine. They don’t feel those deeps bonds of brotherhood and strong roots of family and tribal ties that anchor man. Most males are like ships lost in a raging tempest. Fighting alone unaware that there are others who would help him or that there is a way to get out of the predicament he is in.


Man was meant to go forth and conquer for his tribe, for brothers, and for his honor. Without this many males are listless and without guidance. Without brother man is not at his full strength. This doesn’t mean to rely on others or become a burden or anything of that nature. Act as if you will always be alone and without brother or friend. But then seek to cultivate strong brotherhood with strong honorable men (the only kind worthy of being called brother). Tribalism is naturalism. It’s healthy, it’s right, and it’s how we were supposed to live. Those separated from their tribe and community (those that are atomized) become targets for predatory forces.

Don’t get me wrong. The strong will always (and I mean always) survive. But brotherhood and community allows the weak to become strong. Community is important for developing others and having a healthy society. Though a strong man can survive when all are his enemy he’d rather survive among brothers and tribe then be alone. Granted that the tribe and brotherhood is worthy. It’s better to be alone than part of a corrupted tribe. However when all is corrupted a strong man will be the center point upon which others (who are honorable and capable of strength) can come to become a new tribe and grow under the strong man’s leadership.

The Mighty Tribe

Even the strongest and mightiest of men cannot defeat an army on his own. Is it good to know that when the time comes that he has brothers at his back. Nevertheless train, strive, and fight as if it’ll only be you in this world for the strong man will often find himself alone and away from the tribe. First and foremost become the absolute strongest man that you can be. Then gather like minded brothers around you so you can strengthen one another and push each other further then you’d go on your own. Remember tribalism is natural.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge