Why Weak Men Hate And Fear Strong Men

Weak men fear strong men. This shows itself time and time again in a myriad of ways. From politics to sports to things that matter. The weak man since time immemorial has done all that he can to throw chains on the strong man and suppress him. Yeah it’s not quite a one street like they would have you believe. The weak has always gathered together to take down the strong. So when the strong dispatched the weak it was never done with remorse as they knew the weak would do the exact same to them if they were given the chance. I’m not talking about physical weakness necessarily (though that plays a part) I’m talking about the strength and weakness of a man’s heart and soul, his balls in other words.

Hell most religions and governments are geared around oppressing the strong man in favor of the weak. Look at one of the worst governing systems there is democracy. Where the lowest common denominator drowns out everything else. The Wal-Mart of political ideologies. Yet the masses love such an ideology because it makes their weakness an asset instead of a liability, as nature intended it to be. For example being a sniveling backstabber would get you head pounded in eons (or twenty years) ago. Now being a sniveling cuck is a badge of honor in our society. But I’m getting sidetracked back to the topic at hand.

Why The Weak Hate The Strong

You’ve seen it before. To their face the weak masses won’t say shit to a man yet behind his back conspire against him and work in underhand ways against him, like women. I’ve seen this firsthand. A guy who has his balls in tact is like catnip for women so women naturally respond to me in a strong primal way. This pisses off weak men as to them I’m a “misogynist, homophobic, evil, awful, asshole” and while I can’t argue with the last label they are projecting their hatred because they aren’t me. They see the way women, including their sisters, friends, girlfriends, wives, mothers, and pretty much every other female responds to me and they hate it, because they’re not it.

Now a man who isn’t good at something will bust his ass to improve. For example say I got my ass whipped in boxing (which I have) what do I do in response? Do I go around and tell everyone how he’s actually a shitty boxer or that he cheated or some other B.S. no I hit the gym and the bag twice as hard. If anything I congratulate the man for being skilled enough to beat me. Then I go to work to annihilate him should we meet again. That’s how strong men handle things.


I remember when the movie 300 came out. I loved the movie. The fighting, the honor, the not surrendering, the unapologetic masculinity. Then I saw the response to it. For example I remember in history class my history teaching going on and on about how it was “historically inaccurate” and so on and so forth. As if that has ever mattered to hollywood. I then saw others come out against it for this reason on that. Yet the reason they threw out for not liking that movie somehow didn’t apply to other movies. It was violent yet they loved Pulp Fiction, it was historically inaccurate yet they loved Glory, you get the picture.

No it was something deeper that they feared and hated about the movie. It was the unapologetic masculine strength. Especially white unapologetic masculine strength which made it even more evil in the eyes of the weak masses of sheep. The weak males hate it because they can never be it. They women hated it because women go along with whatever the current social narrative is. And so on and so forth. They reason they hated it was because it showed how weak and incompetent they were. Like when yuppie college boys used to go and spit on soldiers. When they look in a face of a man they are reflected back them own weakness and deficiency. And as we know weakness has no part in a man’s life.


It stems from envy. For example want to know how to identify someone who will always be poor? Their hatred of rich people. You want to identify someone who will always be a loser? They hate the successful. Want to identify someone who will always be a pussy? They hate men with balls. And so on and so forth. Their hatred shows their own lack and what they will never be.

Look at the masses who are so eager to tear down Western civilization. Why is this? Because they know they could have never created it. Greatness strikes hated and anger into the inferior. They can’t be those things so they must tear them down and destroy them so that they are not constantly reminded of their own inferiority. Like Feminists who must destroy all feminine beauty, cucks who must destroy all masculinity and national pride.


There was a reason that the strong of before did not feel for the weak (of soul, not body). The reason being they were not worthy of care, mercy, or tolerance. Tolerance of evil is to be compliant to that evil. If you identified a cancer growth you wouldn’t wait for it to grow before eliminating it. You would eliminate it right away. Now you understand why the weak hate you. Because of jealousy and envy. Entire political movements can be explained by this mental defect.

Be a man, stand strong in this world filled with weakness and depravity. Don’t let the hatred of others control or change you. Stick to your path and become the best that you can be. The fear, envy, and jealousy of the sheep should be a signal to you that you are headed in the right direction. The fact that you can be bowed by social pressure will infuriate them more. Be a man and the world will fall at your feet.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge