Why The World Is Crazy & How To Prevent Yourself From Becoming Part Of It Part 1

It’s a mad mad world out there. I think this is something that most people who are awake, that have their eyes open, would agree on regardless of their religion, nationality, or race. Those who have eyes to see can look around and see that things are not going well and aren’t going in a great direction.

Now granted essentially all history is the slow and maybe inevitable decline of man but it does seems things have hit a critical mass or perhaps speed here recently. Especially for those living in the Western world it may seem like the world is falling apart around you, especially if you live in a populous city.

Why most people can agree on this, and if you don’t agree on this I’d suggest paying more attention, what most people can’t seem to agree on is why. Part of this is the whole elephant riddle. You know where five blind men grab different parts of an apparently very patient elephant. Each man grabs a part and says “Oh the elephant is this.” where another who has a different part “Says no, no you’re crazy, the elephant is that.”

When the elephant is this, that, and a whole lotta else.

But it goes deeper than that.

How’d We Get Into This Mess?

It’s a bit ironic that though mental health is talked about more and more, it seems less and less effective measures are taken to bring it about. Pimping pharmaceutical company pills will not heal the world. There is much more that is needed. I’ll use the flower as an analogy, take a flower put it in a small pot with soil that’s been treated with all sorts of chemicals, put the potted plant in an area where its exposed to smoggy air but little sun, and then water it with bleach water and what do you think will happen to it?

Well of course it’ll be the healthiest greatest flower that’s ever lived, right? Of course not, we all know that. Yet for some strange inexplicably reason we believe humans to be different. Maybe it’s because the TV isn’t constantly telling us how good all of those awful things are for flowers. Put another way there are certain things required for the flourishing of certain species, whether plant, bacteria, animal, or any other.

And humans are no exception to this. As humans we have a spiritual, mental, and physical aspect to us and there are certain requirements for each to develop properly and not lead to bad things. Like stunted growth, wrong growth, disorders, and the like. When we go against these processes designed to help us grow and develop properly then bad things happen.

And that’s the gist of how we ended up here.

Is It Possible To Fight The Madness?

Another question that rises from this is it even possible to fight? Can one possibly be healthy in a world where it seems that health is mocked or even labeled evil? Where the very water you drink could be warping your physical and mental health? Aside from retreating a mountain somewhere, what can one do? Well…a lot actually and that’s what I wanted to address here with this series of articles.

The world’s mad, open your eyes and that’ll be plain as day, but the world’s going to be mad, that’s just how it is. What’s important is what can you do about it? What can you do to keep yourself from going mad and ending up with all the problems associated with following madness? And trust me there are a lot of problems with it, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The first thing is to open your eyes to the world and what’s going on. I’d start by turning of the news. Being bombarded with lies twenty four/seven is not good for the brain. Even if the news spoke truth they’d still be bad to listen to because they only focus on what is base. Get the news out of your life. I’d also recommend not watching modern TV shows, movies, or listening to modern music.

All designed to warp your mind and soul.

I’d recommend picking up some books. Good fiction but non-fiction as well. You can start here for fiction and start here for non-fiction. Expand your mind, start thinking, start using those eyes you’ve had since you were born but were told never to use.

Your Own Little Bubble Of Sanity

What I want to do is give you ways to have your own little bubble of sanity in a mad world, granted that the nature of the universe is to tend towards chaos and its the same with man, a bubble of sanity is all one could ever expect from this world. That bubble could be you yourself, you could be your own bubble of sanity. That bubble could be a home, it could you, your wife, and children.

Or that bubble could be an extended family or a community, anywhere from a neighborhood, to a church, to a friend group, to a small town. When individuals who have bubbles of sanity meet they can forge bonds to create a bigger more powerful bubble. And who knows maybe one day you could have an entire bubbled city, but given the nature of cities and the world I doubt it.

All you can really hope for is to bubble yourself and from your bubble watch the world go into madness around you.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge