3 Politically Incorrect Authors You Need To Be Reading

If you’re familiar with my site then I’m guessing “political correctness” isn’t exactly something that you worry that much about. I’m guessing you more concerned with things like truth and reality. I’m guessing what passes for truth in the mainstream is things that you either scoff or roll your eyes at. But with that being said also understand that there are multiple “components” to truth. That one can have their eyes open in one area and completely closed in another.

Or the opening of one’s eyes in one are can make one blind to the nuances in that same or other areas. And so on and so forth. It is important to not have new eye openings lead to different blind spots but even when you have your eyes opened to keep going and search for the deepest level of truth possible. Even if it takes longer and is more work (which is usually always is). The more of the truth one can grasp the more accurate one’s life and thoughts will be.

Here I want to point out some authors that are likely to expand your mind in a few key different directions. But first let me say what this is not. This isn’t going to include crazy conspiracy theorists like David Icke or people who believe in reptiles or aliens and in my opinion serve to muddy the water when it comes to alternative perspectives. It’ll only include that that in general meticulously reference their work so you can look up things on your own if you don’t take their word for it.

Also it’s not going include things in genres that are common to this site like money, masculinity, attraction, and so on and so forth but rather focus on history and culture more specifically. So you won’t hear MJ DeMarco breaking financial lies (though he’s highly recommeded) nor will you see the likes of Roissy, Jack Donovan, Julius Evola, and the like as I hope and expect you’re either familiar with them or familiarizing yourself with them.

No this will focus on culture and the modern world that we live in. They’ll probably answer a great many questions about why certain things are the way they are as well as probably raise a whole lot of more questions that’ll cause you to do research on your own. I’ve also tried to avoid authors that blame things entirely on race (but creeds are open to attack) and instead look at various factors for things beyond what might at first appear to be the cause.

I should also note that these aren’t the end all be all and are supposed to serve the function of getting you started down a path not to lay out the path in its entirety. More of a jumping off point. Again the focus is on culture with history being second (and mostly just because the history is relevant to the cultural issue). Also as always I don’t agree with every word these (or any other author) says, just so that’s known. But with all of that out of the way let’s get started.

Politically Incorrect Cultural Author You Should Be Reading #1 – Kerry Bolton

Most of the authors that I’m going to mention here generally have one or two areas where they shine and a book or two that I recommend above and beyond the others. However with Bolton (aside from his biographies which I’m not knocking but not the focus here) are all worth a read and deal with different aspects of culture and the modern world as it is today. The first book I read by Bolton was the Psychotic Left which went into a discussion of many “left wing” movements throughout time and mental component of them.

However I wouldn’t say that’s his best work, there are others that are encompassing and cover bigger issues. He has one covering the rise and fall of civilizations which is worth a look as well as one on how corporations are responsible for much of the push for globalization and “multiculturalism” that is tearing so many countries apart. One other critical issue that Bolton covers is the banking industry.

Central banking can bring out the crack pots for sure by Bolton does a good job of soberly looking at this fascinating and powerful mechanism and those that wield it. I think we all know power corrupts so looking at those that deal with billions upon billions of dollars is an interesting case study to say the least. Both The Banking Swindle and Opposing The Money Lenders cover these topics.

He also has one book on the synthesization of capitalism and Communism and how they’ve been combined to serve large the same ends. Yes, you heard the right, give that book a read. Like I said a lot here that is paradigm shifting and explains some more nuanced and technically parts of how modernity, culture, control, and a great many other things work without resorting to straw-men or scapegoats.

Politically Incorrect Cultural Author You Should Be Reading #2 – E. Michael Jones

There are two books of E. Michael Jones that really stand out the first is Libido Dominandi which is about how sex has been used as social and political control and the sexual revolution in particular. Like the old saying goes a man has as many masters as he has vices. Sex as a form of social control. Extremely enlightening and puts a very different perspective on certain events and happenings in the world. Another paradigm shifting book.

Another good one (but hopelessly expensive for most) is Barren Metal with the subtitle “A History Of Capitalism As The Conflict Between Labor & Usury” if you’re on of those males that believes that capitalism is anything other than a threat to men, masculinity, and good things in general this is a good book to read. Or maybe I should say certain kinds of capitalism but to me that’s splitting hairs. Talking about usury alone is an interesting topic, especially in today’s world when usury is considered the accepted norm.

There are a couple other of Jones’ that seem interesting. One is Degenerate Moderns which is about how many cultural and other leaders have rationalized their own degenerate behavior and then projected it onto society as a whole that they should accept. Another is The Slaughter Of Cities which goes into ethnic cleansing of cities and the various effects from that. Also looks interesting.

Politically Incorrect Cultural Author You Should Be Reading #3 – Anthony Napoleon

I’ll state first that I don’t like following Anthony on Twitter like I used to. He gets into rants and has some very weird and opinionated beliefs about certain things. However with that being said his book Shadow Men is certainly worth a read and is enlightening to say the least. Shadow Men reminds me a bit of Edward Bernay’s books and deals with some of the same themes (you should also pick up Bernay’s books as well).

Namely PSYOPs which stands for psychological operations another way of putting it would be engineering consent in the masses. He harps on some things a bit more than others and is a bit paranoid at times, but overall his book holds up and there is much to be learned from it. Would recommend at the very least you give Shadow Men a read and learn from it. At the very least it’ll have you questioning things and thinking more.

He has two other books that I haven’t read but that might be interesting. One is The Progressive Virus which is about the cultural changes in the United States and how it happened, where it came from, and where’s it going and why it has to be stopped. The other looks like it deals with a similar vein which is A Look Inside The Playbook: How Marxists Plan To Destroy America which is exactly as it sounds. A look inside the “playbook” so to speak. Could be interesting.

Opening Your Mind

There’s an old quote with a bunch of different variations and different so called originators that goes something along the lines of a man’s mind once stretched by new ideas cannot go back to its old dimensions. That’s what these books are good at doing. They cause you to see things differently (sometimes wildly so) and cause you to think, question, and just in general become more aware of things around you.

Also if you have a family or are wondering why the world around you is as crazy as it is these will help provide perspective. You aren’t crazy and a good many of these things did not happen by chance but were organized. I tried to pick those that covered culture as culture is becoming more and more important, which is something I think fewer and fewer are denying each day. Read these and get a better understanding of the world around you.

Charles Sledge