Members Only Post #58 – Red Pilled Focus On The Family

I remember a organization long ago (could still be around for all I know) called Focus On The Family, it was religious organization ran by James Dobson a Christian guy. I remember this organization popping up in a few political issues and I think national discussions. Anyways figured it was just the same rehashed conservative Christian stuff so never paid much attention to it (and in many ways I was right). But I did notice that this was a group that was taking unpopular stances and supporting some things that I also supported (if for completely different reasons).

It’s no secret that Christianity and especially Evangelicalism has lost its teeth and doesn’t really do much in the modern world. Lately I was thinking about the importance that the family has (when working properly) in having a strong and healthy society and how family changes people. For example it’s hard for someone with kids to just “enjoy the decline” and give up. Because they are in the vast majority of cases already invested in the future, they have skin in the game to use the annoying cliche.

Then it got me thinking about attacks on the family and why for the modern world the work the family unit had to be weakened, as it’s a threat to influence and power. When father can transfer values and ways of life to son it lessens the influence that popular culture and schooling have. Which is a threat to power and therefore should be eliminated as much as possible by those who have power.

A Family With Teeth

But that brought be back around to the Focus On The Family organization and thinking about how important family actually is. If even from just a sociological perspective. I talk a lot about blood and honor and a huge part of that comes from strong (and often large) family units. So I think there is a need for an organization to “focus on the family” and help the unit become stronger and navigate the hostile waters of the modern world. However Evangelical Christianity is a toothless method for achieving this.

There needs to be a focus on the family with teeth. A “red pilled” focus on the family. And by red pilled I don’t mean recycle the same worn out talking points a few gurus do, rather I mean red pill by living firmly in reality and being well aware of how the world works. Accepting the many many uncomfortable truths of this world and living accordingly. And understanding a good many of these truths are harsh as this is a harsh world.

Luckily there does seem to be quite a few answering this call. There are sites like Barbarian Rhetoric which serves as a sort of Return Of Kings but for people not steeped in an ideology and more focused on marriage and family. Now maybe you’re thinking “Charles, that’s all great man but I have no intention on starting a family, or at least not anytime soon. Why should I care about any of this?” And that’s a great question, which brings me too.

Why Should You Care About Any Of This?

Now if you do have a family then it should be blindingly obvious why all of this matters to you. But if you don’t well then let me explain. So I know this will blow some peoples minds but no one is an island. We all live within a society and culture and unless living in a mountain top hide-away (and even then) we are affected by this society and culture. Meaning that it has an effect in your life and your livelihood.

For example when a guy complains about the ball crushing aspects of his job, why is this? When a guy complains its extremely hard to find a marriageable woman, why is this? When a guy complains about how politicians are selling how down the river, why is this? When a guy complains about how feminism ruins everything, why is this? And so on and so forth. When you look around at the world and culture it’s important to think about why things got the way that they are.

Because it has an effect on you. And families provide a bulwark against these things (or at least can provide a bulwark). Now you may say “Okay, yeah that’s great for the next generation (who won’t appreciate it anyways) but what does that do for me?” and I’d say, things change quicker than you think. It’s about more than providing for the future it’s also about changing the world around you now. Which will have an impact on you in your life right now.

Charles Sledge