Members Only Hope #133 – The Importance Of Hope

I remember when I was a boy and watching some military history documentary on the TV, I don’t remember what it was but it talked about the great battles in history and how they were won. I was a big fan of that stuff as a kid, still am. Anyways as a child something I could never understand was the importance of what they called morale, even after asking my grandfather what it meant.

It seemed so dumb to me. That something as wishy washy as “mood” could affect the outcome of concrete things like a battle. I thought at first that it had been a midprint or something. The narrator had read the wrong word, obviously something as airy-fairy as mood couldn’t possible affect something like warfare, right? I mean mood was for chicks right?

Well obviously I was incredibly wrong and through life discovered just how important things like mindset and mood are. How important they are to many different facets of life from business success to dating success to life success to yes, warfare. A person’s mindset is important, incredibly important, but this isn’t an essay about mindset.

It’s about hope.

Widespread Demoralization & Its Effects

If you are a healthy man living a healthy life and pursuing things like truth, beauty, and goodness then there is a war going on against you right now. There are many reasons for this, which we aren’t going to be able to go into here. Just understanding that the modern world and its many “heads” essentially gaslight normal healthy people into doubting themselves and doubting their sanity. Makes them think that things they know are good and true and not good and true.

But in fact wrong and bad. Love you people and want to have many children? Then you’re an evil, evil person. Want to have a happy peaceful life? Then you’re various forms of ists and isms. Etc, etc. And this comes from both left and right, it’s not a political thing, it’s a spiritual thing. What was considered for all of human history to be natural and good is now considered wrong and evil.

And the bad thing is many fall for this so start pursuing things that are wrong and backwards thinking they are right and healthy and then end up confused and miserable when they keep getting bad results. It’d be like if everyone said stuffing your face with candy bars and soy meat products was great for you. And then wondering why you felt and looked like crap.

The Social Animal & Hope

Many people who think normal thoughts now feel that they’re alone. They’re not, it’s just that most who think normal thoughts keep them shut up for fear of social ostracization or losing their job. People can fell like they’re left out, that something’s wrong with them for feeling the way that they feel. Or they can feel like they’re not doing enough of the things society says are the “right things” and therefore something’s wrong with them.

Both these paths leads to depression and demoralization. And it’s what those in power want, an atomized demoralized population you can keep milking money from and do whatever the hell you want with. You end up with anarcho-tyrannt, take the worst aspects of capitalism and greed and mix them with the worst aspects of communism and control and that’s what you end up. The worst of both worlds.

And if a society or populace is hopeless then they’ll never fight back, they’ll never say “Hey, wait, no this is wrong and I’m not going to let you do this.”, they’ll just stand by and watch everything be taken right out from under their noses. Now understand this isn’t just a “political” or society wide thing, it can affect you personally in your own life. And that’s why I bring it up.

We’ve all been demoralized at times and it helps to understand where it comes from and some of the reasons why. To help up break out of it and make sure demoralization doesn’t lead to worse things.

How To Have Hope Again

I’ve talked about focusing on the good things and why it’s important, while also being completely aware of all the bad, and I want to expand on this here. I think that everyone needs to be part of a community or group, one that’s not tied around politics, always recommend staying away from those groups. But more than one that’s tied around a hobby, something stronger. The best way I know of doing this is moving, something I talk about a lot, to a small town and becoming part of the community there.

You’ll actually make a difference to things and have something that you’re a part of. But there are other organizations if that doesn’t work. Lots of people would say charity work but the majority of charity work does more harm than good is more about making rich white yuppies feel good about themselves than doing anything else. But doing real work in your own community is something else and there are charities that fit this niche.

Another thing is to unplug from the gaslighting modern world. Turn the news off, that stuff is straight toxic sludge, get away from the city, get into nature, read old books, don’t listen to modern music, watch modern movies, or modern TV, all toxic sludge. Well at least ninety nine percent of it is. Don’t go to college, learn a trade. You’ll not only make more money and be in less debt but you’ll be smarter too.

Anything you can to unplug to the modern world and plug back in to things that are natural and “wholesome”, that are good for you. Things that line up with the primal/cosmic order. You’ll be happier and more hopeful from it. And it’ll be a true hope one that come from knowledge, not one built on delusional “positive” thinking.

If you have more concrete things you can think of go ahead and include them in the comments.

Charles Sledge