Members Only Post #79 – Potential

There is a lot of negativity out there, a lot of “all of lost” going around. And while things may be dire in many cases and in many situations I think it’s foolish and ridiculous to think that “all is lost” or that things can never recover. No matter how you’re looking at things. It doesn’t take a large number to slowly but surely bring a species back from extinction if protected and looked after. And this doesn’t just work with biological lifeforms but even more so with ideologies, cultures, and ways of living.

I’ve never been a big fan of the black pill, I think it’s defeatist nonsense. It’s realizing that things are bad and also realizing that there’s work that needs to be done and realizing that you don’t want to do any work but want to sit and cry and pout and have others do the work for you. That’s what the black pill is to me in many ways. We all know the various pills are chock full of whiners who are scared of hard work like the plague and what everything handed to them on a golden platter.

But that’s not how the world works, never has and never will. But again that doesn’t mean there aren’t many harsh truths out there that most are not aware and that many would crumble under if revealed to them. You must be strong and wise. You but be under to bear up under the truth and learn to thrive in it, even though it’ll require work and often a great adjustment period. But there is potential for change and for goodness.

Where Good Things Grow

If you’ve ever farmed or gardened before you’ll quickly realize something. For the most part only bad things grow without effort when cultivating, weeds will grow just fine without your input or help. But when you’re trying to make something productive and good for you then you’ll have to work at it day in and day out to get what you want from it and even then there’s always weather, pestilence, and annoying animals that could ruin it. The good things take effort, persistence, forethought, and an acceptance that some things are beyond your control.

While the bad things spring up and take over without any prompting on your part. It’s no different in life and the world around you. Good cultures, morals, lives, civilizations, children, family, friends, work, life itself takes work and lots of it. You have to work smart and you have to work hard and be ready to do it all over again if fate intervenes in a negative way. Once you accept these truths though then you also realize that good things can happen and that they can grow but that it takes effort and time.

But there is potential for all of these things to flourish again, maybe not in the world as a whole but in your own personal world. In your own life, and isn’t that what truly matters anyways? Who cares about the world or humanity as a whole? Both are evil and it’s mentally impossible to truly care about such abstract things anyways. But your life, your family, your people, your livelihood, these are things that you can and should care about and make a difference in.

See The Good, Be Aware Of The Evil

There are those that think you should block out of the negativity and bad things around them. I agree with them in that you shouldn’t dwell on the negative and you should cut out completely things like the news. However I think you should absolutely be aware of, understand, and know how to deal with the many evil things of this world and address them when they come into your personal sphere. That’s when they become an issue.

It’s a waste of time to save the world, much of it should burn anyways. But to save yourself and your own, that’s a different story. So be aware of the evil, understand it, and know how to deal with it but focus on the good, even if it’s a small amount. Focus on what is still beautiful and good. And understand that the beautiful and good don’t last, can’t even exist in the first place, without the strong and wise to shelter and guide it. There are many great and beautiful seeds that have planted during dark times.

Great and beautiful seeds that lead to mighty forests that take a long time to be destroyed later. In a way the things that are happening right now in the world are good because people are becoming less and less sheltered from how the world actually works. False ideologies that once worked no longer do, except for the sheltered and over-protected. What is right and true is being more and more understood by the day. It’s often revealed brutally but that’s the only way that many learn.

In the meantime understand that there is hope, there is growth, and above all else there is potential. Harness and use that potential and build something beautiful and good with it. Let the good things grow, work at them, and they’ll pay you back the best kind of dividend. Don’t get too caught up in the darkness around you, the world was meant to burn as a whole. But keep your own small plot safe and well tended. That’s all you can do, it’s all anyone has ever done, and it’s what works and brings you fruit from your labors.

Charles Sledge