The Link Between Being Dangerous & Being Masculine

“If a man isn’t dangerous than he isn’t much of a man”. I forget where I first heard this if it was a grandparent, some uncle, or even a TV show or old book but wherever I heard it, it certainly stuck. And it stuck because of how true it rang. Though there are those that would deny this, it is a fact that the wise have always known even if they do not say anything about it. And masculinity is the solution to most issues plaguing modern men, society, and the world as a whole. You can take this at any level that you want.

For example a guy that’s having trouble getting respect from other men or getting laid/attracting the right girl, 9/10 this is because of a lack of masculinity. When we see societal decay and rot again a lack of masculinity. And so on and so forth. In the first case it is it is masculinity that triggers respect in men and desire in woman. You can see the obvious connection to being dangerous here. This is why things like muscle mass, height, scars, and tattoos all convey the respect/desire dynamic because they signal dangerousness of some level and therefore masculinity.

Dangerous & Masculine

This all makes sense when we look at things at a primal level. Man throughout time has had to be a warrior, hunter, and conqueror. Things that all require marital ability and dangerousness. Without these things a man could hardly call himself a man and would not be seen as a full woman by either other men or women. Despite what people will tell you. The other thing about dangerousness is that you can’t choose whether you respect it or not (like women can’t choose what they’re attracted to or not) it’s just there. Let me explain.

For example in medieval times in England there was a high respect given to priests. They were often deferred to and given status with the community. However they were not dangerous (at least in the way I’m talking about here) so the respect given to them was based entirely on the person and not nature. For example when the vikings came they had no respect for the priests because they choose not to. However everyone had respect for the vikings (even if they hated and loathed them) because of their strength and therefore dangerousness. My point is that respect (or attraction) based on being dangerous is not a choice like other forms.

Cultivating Danger

I know that I probably sound like a broken record but the same things that I’d recommend to become more dangerous and have more of an edge are the same things I’d recommend for a man asking me how to become more masculine, attract more or better women, or just become better overall. After all all of these are far more linked than one would originally think. So this list is nothing new and something you’ve read before. However maybe now you’ll take a closer look at it. Because while understanding is important and the first step, it’s in the implementation where the power is.

So to cultivate this masculine edge and become more dangerous there are some obvious things. Work out and lift weights, fight in combat sports, carrying a knife or pistol (if it’s legal) and more importantly become proficient in it’s use (or both if you can manage). Also with these things make sure to spend time sparring (making contact) and live time on the range. It’s not enough to just practice, you have to put it together in “combat situations” to really make it stick. I’d also recommend reading plenty of nonfiction as well (don’t underestimate power of knowledge). Again not much different than a basic self-development list but most people will never put in the work which is where the power is.

Another Piece Of The Puzzle

Being dangerous isn’t everything but it is a major part of being a man. With being dangerous you’ll also acquire more power. Which is something I can’t any man would not want more of. Danger is power in many ways. But again it’s not everything but something to keep in mind, especially if this is an area that you’re weak in. If you represent a fluffy teddy bear more than a lion, you know that this is an issue and therefore need to take measures to address it right away.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge