The Importance Of Being Motivated By Love Over Hate For Men

Both love and hate are needed human emotions anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool. Despite what many will say there is a time and place for hatred and a time and place where if you do not feel hatred then you are a fool. However when looking at life as a whole it is not healthy to your soul, mental wellbeing, or masculinity to have hatred as the soul motivating factor, again when looking at life as a whole.

Meaning your entire life spread out over a line. There are certain times when hatred can be a great motivator and spur you on to accomplish great things however more often than not it can also become a poison that destroys your wellbeing and does more damage to you than to others. There are many things to hate and I think that we’ve done a good job of identifying quite a few of them.

The modern world offers plenty to be detested and rooted out. However at the same time it’s important that there are things to be loved and cherished as well. And it’s these things that make the fighting with the things that are hated worth it ultimately. So let’s talk a bit about this and most importantly about the impact that it can have on your life.

Masculine Motivation

When you ask a soldier who has seen/is in combat why he is fighting he won’t rehash the propaganda pieces that got him to sign up, he won’t say something like “making the world safe for democracy” or some other political line. Nor will he say out of deep hatred for the enemy (at least not as his prime motivating factor). Nor will you get that he’s fighting for Suzy back home and Momma and apple pie (though those things might have an influence still).

No, the most likely response you will get is that he’s fighting for the guy next to him, his brother that’s been by his side through trying times and remains there and will remain there until their time is out. This is why a guy on leave back with his family will return to a place that’s hell on earth and where he bears a chance of never coming back. For the love of his brothers. It is this love that motivates and spurs him on more than he hates whoever the enemy is.

It doesn’t mean that these men do not hate rather that love is the more powerful motivator and it is love that will spur them on to greater action than hatred alone could. So overall yes hatred does play a role a much needed and essential role in life. The problem becomes when hatred seeps out from its rightful place and becomes the dominant thought process and emotion.

What Is Love?

Now I think that the issue most males have with “love” at least how it’s usually interpreted is that it’s a sappy and womanly emotion. However this is not the true or traditional definition of love which is something much greater than simply infatuation (which is essentially what the modern definition of love is). Love is not a sappy emotion but something deeper and more powerful that has been stripped of its power.

I don’t have the time or space to go into this transformation but for our purposes here it’s only important to know that love is not just a sappy feeling of infatuation. When you are motivated primarily by love. By love of yourself, of your family, of your people, and so on and so forth you are more easily led to right action. When you are led primarily by hatred for extended periods of time it eventually begins to poison and corrupt you. Ruining goods things that cannot grow in such ground.

There is a time to hate and a time to kill, but it is not to be the dominant thought process of your entire life. Look at how politics ruins people and makes them petty and annoying. They let carefully structured and misdirected to be ineffective hatred cause them to lower themselves more and more. This happens on both sides and across politics since the beginning of time. Religions (religion does not just mean those with churches) have done this since the beginning of time as well.

What Motivates You?

So again there is a time and place for hatred and if you don’t hate certain things then you’re either gutless or a fool. However if you let hatred be your prime motivation then it’ll poison and destroy your life. Find what is good and that should be your prime motivation. You should want to protect the brother beside you more than you want to kill the man in the trench across from you. Of course both will be motivations and should be so.

Too often things like this get ignored and they destroy men. Many people like to jump from one extreme to the next without understanding the nuances that are in between. This is easier but also lazier and not the way to live the best life possible and since you only live once it makes sense to me to get as much right as possible.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge