The Critical Need To Take Chances As A Man

He will does not dare, does not receive. Fortune favors the bold. And so on and so forth. Whenever we look at life and the fruits that are to be gained in it, it pays to know that boldness is nearly always rewarded. Maybe not right away but in the long run, almost always. When coupled with wisdom I’d say almost every time, if not every time. When we look through history we find that those who make their mark on it always has a well built boldness muscle in their mind.

I completely garbled that analogy but you get the point. But let’s forget history for a second, think about those in your own personal life who you look up to or admire. It doesn’t have to be across the board but for some facet of their life. Maybe they make lots of money, maybe they’re popular with the ladies, maybe they have a healthy and happy family. Or a great list of other things. Things you want or admire. Chances are that person’s “boldness” meter is going to be above average.

They’re going to have a higher propensity to take risk than others. Part of this is testosterone, part of this is working that risk muscle until its well developed, and part of it a whole lot of other factors. But understand that even if you’re risk averse and crave safety above all else that through time and training you can also become bold and daring. Don’t mean to sound like an infomercial there but it’s the truth. But first, what’s risk? And why is taking it important?

What Is Risk?

The dictionary definition of risk is “a situation involving exposure to danger.” not just physical danger but also danger mentally, to one’s ego, social standing, and just about anything else. I’d add on a definition that it’s “any situation where the outcome is not known for certain”. Now taken literally that means every situation that we’ll ever be in ever. So we might want to add “any situation where the outcome is in doubt.” or maybe “great doubt”, you get what I’m getting at. Where the outcome isn’t known to a high percentage.

It’s stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown and like H. P. Lovecraft said “the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”. Meaning it’s something that takes balls, guts, and faith to do. Which is why so many shy away from risk. They say it’s because of safety but usually it’s more because of fear than anything else. Also by risk I don’t mean stupidity. Sticking your head in an alligator’s open mouth is technically “risk” but it’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about calculated risks, risked tied with wisdom. I’m talking about “going for it” not “being a dumbass”.

Developing Your Risk Muscle

I’m sure there’s a pun in there somewhere but I can’t think of a better analogy off the top of my head. But why would you want to develop this “muscle” isn’t risk a bad thing? Well no. The fact of the matter is, if you want to get anything worth having in life you’re going to have to risk, and risk a lot, and risk often. Again not in a stupid way but in a having faith in yourself and letting the dice roll way. Without risk you’ll never get the girl(s) you want, you’ll never have the career you want, you’ll make true art, you’ll never be remembered, and you’ll never accomplish the things that are truly worth accomplishing in your life.

Whenever you’re in doubt of whether you should “go for it” or not, and you’re not under the influence of drugs/alcohol then chances are you should go for it. You likely won’t get it, that’s not what’s important what’s important is building that muscle up. Maybe it’s asking a girl on a date, maybe it’s sending in your resume somewhere else, maybe it’s finally writing that novel or sending it out, or whatever. When it doesn’t endanger life or limb or reek of stupidity then do it. And even then sometimes you have to do it.

Risk Your Way To The Life You Want

Be smart, but don’t pretend fear is intelligence. So many call their fears intelligence when its not. Many are not risking because they fear it, not because it’s the smart thing to do. Don’t lie to yourself or deceive yourself if you’re not risking it’s because of the fear. The fear that can cripple your whole life “fear is the mind killer” and all that. Don’t let life pass you by waiting until things are safe. They’re never safe, we’re not guaranteed our next breath.

Go out and live, risk, and dare. Do so greatly and wisely and be amazed at the things you can accomplish. The things you can do. Develop that muscle start small. Maybe asking the cute girl from the coffee shop out on a date or if that’s too much something else. Or maybe it’s a different area of life. Go sign up to that boxing gym, go hang your shingle up as your own business. Not saying to quit the day job yet, just to take those first steps towards the goals that you dream of and the life that you wish you had. Do it enough and you’ll start making progress towards it.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge