Members Only Post #119 – The Path To “The Good Life”

This article probably isn’t going to be about what you think it is. Or maybe it is. We should start by defining what the “good life” actually is as it will be different for different people. Let me say first that I don’t have the prescription for the good life for everyone, for every person of earth. There’s too much diversity and differences for there to be any single one path to happiness, peace, the good life, or whatever you want to call it.

The life that you want to live. Second different ways of thinking and living will have different conceptions of the good life. For one person the good life might be wearing designer clothes, living in a mansion in an international city, driving luxury cars, and sleeping with different prostitutes every night. That’s not my definition even if I understand the appeal. And so therefore that is not what that article will be about.

If you want the prior then it’s all about money. And I’ve already written about that before, if you want the short version learn, no master, sales, copywriting, marketing, and just persuasion/soft skills in general, learn to network, and if you’re really serious about it, don’t have any moral qualms. Be a sociopath and a narcissist. The world of money, business, and finance will reward you handsomely for these traits. Half of which I think everyone should develop anyways.

But we’re getting off track. What about the “other” good life?

The Other Good Life

What is the “other” good life? By the other “good” life here’s how I’ll define it. Many healthy, happy, and well-adjusted children, many descendants with good upbringings and marriages. Land that is your own land and free of invaders, criminals, and the masses. Surrounding by a community that is like you and has the same ultimate aims as you. Plentiful good food for the mind, body, and spirit. A beautiful wife who supports and compliments you. Lots of sex, laughter, and hard work. That’s my definition of the good life and something I work everyday to move closer towards.

Maybe images of the 1950’s or pastoral living come to mind. Maybe that’s accurate or maybe it’s not. I think you get the general idea of what I’m talking about here. A healthy, happy, and full life. The good life in my definition of it. Which runs counter to the materialist/capitalist one. But anyways how does one go about achieving this good life and how much overlap is there with the materialist good life we talked about above.

The fact of the matter is that the paths to both good lives actually have quite a bit overlap, they just end up diverging in the end. To achieve this good life I speak of you’ll still need to develop the “money skills”, sales, copywriting, and marketing, especially sales. You’ll have to become a master of sales to make money and work with people to get the deals and life that you want. This requires money and persuasion skills. Likewise you’ll have to be strong, hard working, and determined, among other things.

The Path To The Good Life

It all starts with money. I’d follow money with land and finding a good area that could provide you with what you want. What makes a good are that’ll provide you with what you want? I can’t say for certain but I can offer you some general tips. First off rural over urban. You want a place with a smaller populace, that’ll give you less women to choose from for a wife but the quality is generally, not always, better. Of course with money you could have “home base” in the country and go other places to find a mate.

This all starts with money. Next you want a place that is like you and more homogenous. Here’s the thing the more races/religions/cultures you cram into the same place the more fighting and conflict there’s going to be. You want a place that is like you in as many ways as possible, providing the least amount of conflict possible. Nowhere will be perfect but the more like you and homogenous the better.

Once you acquire money, get land, and find a mate understand that that’s just the start. Next you’ll want to produce happy and healthy children. Understand the modern world will do about everything in its power to make sure your child ends up sickly, angry, and unhealthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. I can’t go over everything here, but will start providing more resources in the future on this topic, but understand that old ways of child-rearing, disciplining, and eating are generally better than new ways.

Time & Effort

I’m just now realizing how little this single article could hope to cover about living the good life. There are only general outlines I can give here. I hope to delve deeper into this topic in the future and maybe even do a book outlining the “good life” as my older stuff doesn’t exactly fit with where I’m at in life now. Not that it’d bad, I think it’s a fine foundation and certainly worth checking out. But I think some updating is needed as well. If that’s something that’d interest you let me know in the comments as well as what format you’d like it in. Whether PDF (e-book), paperback, or something else. You can also email me about it if the comments are closed.

That’s the broad path, we’ll get deeper into the specifics as times goes on. And I hope each and every day you can move closer to the true good life and all that it entails. With enough time and effort you’ll get there.

Charles Sledge